Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- The 2008 and 2009 archaeometrical research at Sagalassos
- The elite Predynastic cemetery at Hierakonpolis: 2009-2010 update
- Bird remains from Late Medieval and Postmedieval sites in Brussels, Belgium
- Fish processing and consumption at the ancient city of Chersonesos (Crimean peninsula, Ukraine)
- El Abadiya 3, Upper Egypt, a Late Palaeolithic site on the shore of a large Nile lake
- Salted fish products from the Coptic monastery at Bawit,, Egypt: evidence from the bones and texts
- Archaeometrical and interdisciplinary research at Sagalassos in 2004
- How the North was won (and lost again). Historical and archaeological data on the exploitation of the North Atlantic by the Flemish fishery
- Apport de l’archéozoologie à la connaissance de l’exploitation de l’eau douce au Moyen Age et à l’époque Moderne en Belgique
- Animal burials and food offerings at the Elite Cemetery HK6 of Hierakonpolis
- The late medieval heyday of the Flemish marine fishery : a fish-eye view
- Harvesting pike at Tlokowo
- The predictive value of dental microwear in the assessment of caprine diet
- Interdisziplinäre Untersuchungen im römischen Vicus von Tienen (Belgien). Die Integration von ökologischen und archäologischen Daten
- Fish as indicators of trade relationships in Roman times: the example of Sagalassos, Turkey
- Een geplaveide Romeinse weg, religieuze keramiek, massa’s dierlijk botmateriaal en andere Romeinse sporen aan de Nerviërsstraat in Asse (provincie Vlaams-Brabant)
- La nécropole gallo-romaine de Messancy. Synthèse
- Report on the 2008 season of the Hierakonpolis expedition
- Le genre Dormaalius Quinet, 1964, de l'Eocène inférieur de Belgique, synonyme du genre Macrocranion Weitzel, 1949 (Mammalia, Lipotyphla)
- Présence du genre Wyonycteris (Mammalia, Lipotyphla) à la limite Paléocène-Eocène en Europe
- A new species of insectivore, Wyonycteris richardi, is described on the basis of mandible fragments and isolated cheek teeth of the Early Eocene from Dormaal (Belgium), at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. Nycticonodon and ?Adapisoriculus from Dormaal, and cf. Adapisoriculus from Fordones (France) are considered synonymous with the genus Wyonycteris from Wyoming (USA). Wyonycteris appears to be neither a typical bat nor a nyctitheriid but probably is related to evolved adapisoriculids.