Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Biodiversiteitsexplosies als aanwijzing voor ecosysteemverstoring.
- Biodiversiteitsexplosies als aanwijzing voor ecosysteemverstoring.
- Meuse-Rhine Euregio Geologists Meeting
- Kartering en karakterisering (sedimentpetrografisch en petrofysisch) van de Krijtgesteenten in Vlaanderen.
- Moeten de Limburgse steenkoolmijnen weer open?
- Carboniferous Basin Development and Climate.
- A Miocene relative of the Ganges River dolphin (Odontoceti, Platanistidae) from the Amazonian Basin
- A new long-snouted species of the Miocene pontoporiid dolphin Brachydelphis and a review of the Mio-Pliocene marine mammal levels in the Sacaco Basin, Peru
- Status as reflected in food refuse of late medieval noble and urban households at Namur (Belgium)
- Remains of traded fish in archaeological sites : indicators of status or bulk food ?
- The presence on archaeological sites of fish species that have been imported from distant areas has often been regarded as an indicator of high status. Typical examples include the Spanish mackerel (Scomber japonicus) and the fish sauces found at Roman sites from Middle and Western Europe, or the Nilotic fish found at Chalcolithic to Crusader period sites in the Eastern Mediterranean area. The available evidence in the literature for trade in those species is reviewed and also the herring trade in medieval Europe is discussed. The factors that have an influence on the price of those traded food items include the quality of the fish products, production costs and transport, but are difficult to evaluate. It appears moreover that the number of sites with exotic fish is growing rapidly now that better recovery techniques are used and the quality of the reference collections used during study is improving. Traded fish seem to turn up in numerous settlement types of varying status, thus showing that caution is needed when using these remains as indicators of high purchasing power.
- Hunting and stock-breeding
- Animal remains from the Byzantine castle
- Diet, economy and status : Evidence from the animal bones
- Animal remains from the fourth-sixth century A.D. military installations near Abu Sha’ar at the Red Sea Coast, Egypt
- Food security in western and central Africa during the late holocene: The role of domestic stock keeping, hunting and fishing
- The fauna of the Early Khartoum occupation on Jebel Umm Marrihi (Khartoum Province, Sudan)
- Le matériel faunique
- Faunal remains from Tell Beydar (excavation seasons 1992-1996 and 1997 partim)
- Faunal remains from an Akkadian grave in Tell Beydar
- The 1996 and 1997 surveys on the territory of Sagalassos