Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Roman peat-extraction pits as possible evidence for the timing of coastal changes
- Autosnelweg Brugge-Calais. Boringen en geologisch profiel sectie Veurne-Frans grens
- Ledesteen en alternatieven – Workshop
- Oost-Vlaamse natuursteen in gebruik : op bezoek in drie Oost-Vlaamse dorpen ten zuiden van Gent.
- Generalized Natural Sciences Online and Spacial Information System.
- Het paleomilieu rond het Romeins zoutwinningssite van Leffinge
- Un aperçu de la plaine côtière
- De Holocene sedimenten van de westelijke kustvlakte: een analyse van de Belgische literatuur
- The origin of De Moeren
- 2D and 3D Microscopical Research on the Lede Stone and its Replacement Stones.
- Het Geologisch Onderzoek
- Mapping a coastal plain - Problems concerning mapping units
- Radiocarbon dates on peat from the Holocene coastal deposits in West Belgium
- The Upper Quaternary Deposits of the Changjiang Coastal Plain, Shanghai area, in relation to land subsidence
- The western Coastal Plain of Belgium
- Quaternary Shorelines in Belgium and The Netherlands. Excursion Guide Fieldmeeting 1993 INQUA Subcommission Shorelines Northwestern Europe
- Geo-diversity in regions poor in geological exposure but reflected in the built environment: the case of the Flemish region.
- The Late Sedimentary Environment of the Archeological Site ‘Het Mijnplein’, Oostende
- The Ledestone: Deterioration and the Need for Replacement Stones.
- The polder area of Raversijde (Oostende, Belgium): a complex parent material affected by intense human interventions. Archaeology as a tool in geopedology