Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
New evidence on the marine Holocene in the Western Belgian Coastal Plain.
The Marine Pleistocene Sediments in the Flandrian area
An alternative classification and profile type map applied to the Holocene deposits of the Belgian coastal plain
Late Holocene geology of the Marathon Plain (Greece).
Development of sedimentary environments during the Holocene in the Western coastal plain of Belgium.
Chronology of coastal plain development during the Holocene in West Belgium.
Planning and geology in a coastal plain
Subsidence in coastal lowlands due to groundwater withdrawal : the geological approach.
The Holocene depositional history of the IJzer palaeovalley (Western Belgian coastal plain) with reference to the factors controlling the formation of intercalated peat beds.
A Discussion of Gullentops & de Moor (2001): Quaternary lithostratigraphic units (Belgium). 2.2. Remaining marine-estuarinedeposits
The stratigraphic architecture of the Quaternary deposits as support for hydrogeological modelling of the central area of Hanoi (Vietnam)
Comment to “Relative sea level fluctuations in aegean coastal areas from middle to late holocene by Kosmas Pavlopoulos”.
De huidige kustevolutie tussen Sangatte en Strouanne (N. Frankrijk).
L'extension de la Formation d'Herzeele en Belgique
The fluvial system between Tell ed-Der and Tell Abû Habbah.
Geomorphological features in the area of Abu Habbah and Tell ed Der.
Coastal Lowlands and their threat. The Shanghai case study.
The Quaternary deposits of the Changjiang Coastal Plain (Shanghai Area).
De conflictsituatie tussen natuur en toerisme in het kustgebied
Is het de natuur of de mens die een bedrijging vormt voor kusten en polders?