Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
Resuscitation of the data collected during the first years of modern oceanographyin Belgium "PMPZ-DBII".
De vangst van twee zee-engels Squatina squatina door een Belgische visser.
Een verdwaalde potvis op het strand.
Een jonge reuzenhaai Cetorhinus maximus in het strandwater te De Panne.
Assessment of the marine renewables industry in relation to marine mammals: synthesis of work undertaken by the ICES Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology (WGMME).
The effect of pile driving on harbour porpoises in Belgian waters.
- IN : S.Degraer, R. Brabant & B. Rumes (Eds). Offshore windfarms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: heading for an understanding of environmental impacts.
The effect of pile driving on harbour porpoises in Belgian waters.
Processing a whale skeleton: a big challenge.
Organism-sediment interactions govern post-hypoxia recovery of ecosystem funtioning.
The integration of nature conservation into the marine spatial planning process.
Monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas: A generic framework for implementation of ecosystem based marine management and its application.
The role of structuring benthos for juvenile flatfish.
Encounter competition partly explains the segregation of the sandy beach amphipods Bathyporeia pilosa and Bathyporeia sarsi. A mecocosm experiment.
Hydrometeorological influences and multimodal suspended particle size distributions in the Belgian nearshore area (southern North Sea).
Benthic habitat variations over tidal ridges, North Sea
Fine-scale geomorphological mapping for the prediction of macrobenthic occurrences in shallow marine environments, Belgian part of the North Sea
Very high SPM concentrations in the southern Bight of the North Sea detected from space.
Recent anoxic cohesive sediment deposits in the Belgian near-shore area: sedimentological context and anthropogenic impact
Flocculation in a eutrophic coastal turbidity maximum zone.
Heterogeneous flocculation combining the biological and mineralogical populations in a marine and coastal environment: Literature study for a conceptual model.