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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Techreport Reference Analyse de quelques restes fauniques mis au jour lors de l’évaluation archéologique d’ Obourg-Les Wartons
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique de Huy - ISI/Saint-Victor, site d’habitat et d’artisanat du haut Moyen Age
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique d’Anthisnes – Brassine (Récolte à vue). Bas Moyen Age et Temps Modernes
Techreport Reference Rapport d’étude archéozoologique des « vases funéraires »
Article Reference Additional data on Scalptia androyensis Verhecken & Bozzetti, 2006, (Neogastropoda: Cancellarioidea) from Madagascar
Article Reference A new Hemicycla (Gastropoda: Helicoidea: Helicidae) from La Gomera, Canary Islands
Article Reference Kaloplocamus ramosus (Cantraine, 1835) (Gastropoda: Polyceridae): new records in the Bay of Biscay, with notes on distribution and food
Article Reference New bryozoan taxa from a biodiversity hotspot in the Eastern Weddell Sea
Article Reference Revision of Leucothoe (Amphipoda, Crustacea) from the Southern Ocean: a cosmopolitanism concept is vanishing
Book Reference Biogeographic atlas of the Southern Ocean
Article Reference New Muricidae (Mollusca: Neogastropoda) from the Lower Miocene Cantaure Formation of Venezuela
Article Reference On the identity of Favartia peasei (Tryon, 1880) (new name for Murex foveolatus Pease, 1869 non Hinds, 1844) (Gastropoda : Muricidae : Muricopsinae)
Book Reference A Systematic Revision of the Land Snails of the Western Ghats of India
Manual Reference Suivi des déplacements des limicoles et des sternes nichant et hivernant dans la Réserve de la Biosphère du Delta du Saloum.
Manual Reference The Evros Delta, crosspoint in the Eurasian African bird migration system.
Manual Reference Spring migration of paludicole birds and freshwater marshes in the Evros Delta.
Manual Reference The Drana marshes (Evros Delta, Greece), a question of survival for the European population of Anser erythropus with data on the occurrence and ecology of the Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis.
Manual Reference Monitoring actif influenza aviaire des oiseaux sauvages en Belgique (septembre 2005- février 2006).
Manual Reference Actieve Monitoring van het vogelgriepvirus bij wilde vogels in België (september 2005 – februari 2006).
Manual Reference Actieve monitoring aviaire influenza op in het wild levende vogels in België: Verslag van de activiteiten op het Vlaams Natuurreservaat Grootbroek te Sint-Agatha-Rode (november 2005 – april 2006).


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