Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Merbes-le-Château/Labuissière : La faune de la villa romaine du “Champ de Saint-Eloi” à Merbes-le-Château
- Boussu-Boussu: la faune du château de Boussu
- Etude archéozoologique de la villa romaine de Jodoigne/Dongelberg (Brabant).
- Etude archéozoologique du sanctuaire romain de Jupille (Liège).
- L’étude archéozoologique du cimetière Bas-Empire de Vieuxville.
- L’introduction du cobaye en Europe peu après la conquête de l’Amérique: apport des données archéozoologiques provenant de la ville de Mons
- Le site de la “Haute Eloge” à Bruyelle-Antoing
- Caractérisation technique et matérielle des mécanismes de degradation de la pierre de Tournai
- LIGM 11 (Lier Grote Markt, opgraving juni-juli 2011) Natuursteenidentificatie en rapportering
- KNSP 2011 - Kraainem Sint-Pancratiuskerk Natuursteenidentificatie rapport
- Wellbore integrity in Ypresian clays in Belgium with reference to geophysical well logs
- Restauratie Sint-Geertruiabdij te Leuven. Materiaaltechnisch vooronderzoek & inventaris steenmateriaal. Macroscopische petrografische beschrijving en interpretatie van geselecteerde handstukken
- Description of Xiphinema mounporti sp.n. with new data on two other species from Senegal (Nematoda:Longidoridae).
- Marbles in the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences
- Belgian marbles are very famous. They represent a variety of colors with different kinds of red, grey and black. Most of these marbles are represented in the collection of the GSB – RBINS as a heritage of the world exposition in 1897. Some of them are also used in the institute in floors and stairs and can be the reason of an interesting visit.
- Challenges in nematode taxonomy: diverse taxa from disparate habitats and regions require a diversity of integrated toolkits
- Transformations in food economy and husbandry practices during the Late Roman and Merovingian periods in Northern Gaul.
- Marbles in the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences
- Belgian marbles are very famous. They represent a variety of colors with different kinds of red, grey and black. Most of these marbles are represented in the collection of the GSB – RBINS as a heritage of the world exposition in 1897. Some of them are also used in the institute in floors and stairs and can be the reason of an interesting visit.
- Marbles in the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences
- Belgian marbles are very famous. They represent a variety of colors with different kinds of red, grey and black. Most of these marbles are represented in the collection of the GSB – RBINS as a heritage of the world exposition in 1897. Some of them are also used in the institute in floors and stairs and can be the reason of an interesting visit.
- An integrative approach to characterize cryptic species in the Thoracostoma trachygaster Hope, 1967 complex (Nematoda: Leptosomatidae) (Abstract)
- Integrative approach in identification of cryptic species of the virus vector family Trichodoridae (Nematoda) from the Iberian Peninsula, an apparent centre of speciation. Abstract