Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
BMM laboratorium : validatie van de analysekarakteristieken parameter Chlorfyl A matrix sediment
BMM laboratorium : validatie van de analysekarakteristieken parameter PAK's in sediment en zwevende stof.
BMM laboratorium : validatie van de analysekarakteristieken parameter ammonium matrix Baltisch zeewater.
The generic concept of Allocyclops Kiefer, 1932: (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Cyclopidae) an alternative view.
The north American continental copepods in Chappuis' legacy and redescription of three species of the genus Moraria T & A Scott 1893 (Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida)
Assessing invertebrate assemblages in the subsurface zone of stream sediments (0-15 cm deep) using a hyporheic sampler
- [1] Quantitative comparisons between benthic and hyporheic invertebrate communities are crucial for understanding the biological functions of the hyporheic zone, such as storage, migrations, and exchanges of invertebrates with the surface stream. Such comparisons are still hampered by the use of different techniques adapted to each habitat (benthic versus hyporheic). This work combines two different techniques for sampling the upper layers of bed sediments (0–15 cm): the semiquantitative “Bou-Rouch” pump classically used to sample the hyporheic zone (>15 cm), and the quantitative Hess sampler commonly used to sample the benthic zone (≤15 cm), in order to evaluate the quantitative efficiency of the pump in this 0–15 cm zone. First, a Bou-Rouch sample (BR) was taken within the cylinder of a Hess inserted within the streambed, then a second sample (benthic complement, BC) was collected within the Hess after removing the pump, in order to catch all invertebrates not extracted with the pump. The BR samples collected on average 14.5% of the total abundance and about 50% of the actual richness. The large range of variation indicates that the combination of the two techniques is not valid for a quantitative evaluation of benthic communities. Contrary to expectations, the pump did not collect more interstitial and groundwater invertebrates and no differences in faunal composition between upstream and downstream riffle positions were observed. Our results do not question the use of the BR technique under standard conditions i.e., when sampling the hyporheic zone, but underline how it is crucial to know its quantitative limits.
Bryocamptus (Bryocamptus) gauthieri (Roy, 1924): a Mediterranean edaphic specialist (Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida)
The multiple faces of Nannopus palustris auct. reconsidered: a morphological approach (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Nannopodidae)
Leaf litter copepods from a cloud forest mountain top in Honduras (Copepoda: Cyclopidae, Canthocamptidae)
Polygyny and strong genetic structuring within an isolated population of the wood ant Formica rufa.
Flow cytometric sexing of spider sperm reveals an equal sperm production ratio in a female biased species.
Endosymbiont induced sex-ratio distortion in the dwarf spider Oedothorax retusus.
Local extinction processes rather than edge effects affect ground beetle assemblages from fragmented and urbanized old beech forests.
Nidification du Chevalier guignette (Actitis hypoleucos) en Brabant Wallon.
Densité et distribution du Cincle plongeur (Cinclus cinclus) dans le bassin de la Haute Meuse belge.
La migration nocturne des locustelles, des phragmites, des rousserolles, des hypolaïs et des fauvettes dans le sud de l’Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse.
Le point sur le Courlis à bec grêle Numenius tenuirostris : Où l’observer, comment l’identifier?
Identification des mouettes et goélands en Wallonie. III L’évolution du plumage avec l’âge.
De Slechtvalk Falco peregrinus terug in België, het relaas van een geslaagde nestkastactie.
Active surveillance of type A influenza in wild birds in Belgium.