Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Insight into the development of a carbonate platform through a multi-disciplinary approach: a case study from the Upper Devonian slope deposits of Mount Freikofel (Carnic Alps, Austria/Italy)
- Étude des pierres à aiguiser provenant de cinq sites gallo-romains de la région des Vallées des Eaux-Vives (Sud-Ouest de la Province de Namur, Belgique).
- Boussu/Boussu : le cimetière paroissial (7e-19e siècle). Seconds résultats de l’étude anthropologique.
- Taxonomic study of entomopathogenic nematodes (Nematoda: Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae) from Benin.
- Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in wild waterfowl, Evros Delta, Greece.
- First results on AI seroprevalence on Mute Swans in Belgium.
- Spatial analysis of Avian Influenza.
- Espèces invasives : oiseaux d'eau non indigènes à Bruxelles. Incidences, évaluation des risques et panel de mesures.
- Feasability study of a capture and testing system for wild birds to set up an ”early warning system” for West Nile virus in horse and bird in Belgium.
- In natura follow-up of LPAI infections among wild waterfowl.
- Assessment of H5N1 high pathogenic avian influenza virus persistence in water from different aquatic bird habitats.
- Monitoring through ringing: Distribution and importance of the ringing activity in Belgium and interest of the gathered data. “Monitoring, indicators and targets".
- Using Belgian Ringing Data to Estimate Bird Population Trends: A comparative Analysis. “Monitoring, indicators and targets".
- What is best? Ringing or satellite tagging birds? Evaluation applied on Common Shelduck marked in Belgium.
- Development of NS1 ELISA as a early viral detection tools for WN infected target birds.
- Different role of Canada Goose and Mute Swan in the ecology of avian influenza is supported by serological and virological investigations.
- The waterbirds’ringing station in Evros delta, Greece.
- Le Faucon pèlerin à Bruxelles: retour réussi et public conquis.
- Table-ronde « Tour d’Europe des programmes de baguage coloré ».
- Groundwater biodiversity in Europe.