Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Le retour du Faucon pèlerin à Bruxelles et en Belgique.
- Le Cygne tuberculé, un méconnu qui s’ignore.
- Proposed change in status of the Nearctic genus Charadrodromia Melander (Diptera: Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae), with description of four new species
- Platypalpus negrobovi a new species of the pallipes-group (Diptera, Empidoidea, Hybotidae) from Caucasus
- The fast-running flies (Diptera, Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae) of Singapore and adjacent regions
- Le Grand-duc d’Europe : l’aigle de la nuit.
- New records of Chersodromia Walker (Diptera, Hybotideae) from the shore of Black Sea and Azov (Caucasus, Russia) with description of a new species
- Flowers as hunting grounds for Platypalus vegrandis Frey 1943 (Diptera, Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae)
- New records of Dolichopodidae from the Democratic Republic of Congo (Diptera: Empidoidea)
- Etude de faisabilité d'un programme de localisation des sites de nidification du Courlis à bec grêle, Numenius tenuirostris, par télémétrie.
- The genus Tachydromia Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Australia
- Trophic interactions in the myrmecophile community associated with red wood ants.
- Exploring the evolutionary history of an adaptive radiation of caterpillar beetles (Calosoma sp.) at the Galapagos
- Long term monitoring of spiders in coastal dune and salt marsh habitats along the river Ijzer estuary (Nieuwpoort, Belgium)
- Formicidae type specimens of Jean Bondroit stored at RBINS.
- Galápagos threatened by tropical fire ant invasion
- Afrotropical Saturniidae collection at RBINS: an almost complete and scientific very valuable collection with high potential for future research
- Slender-billed Curlew, Numenius tenuirostris, review of available biological data’s and conservation status. in Préparation d'un plan de sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris.annexe 2, Rapport final à la Commission des Communautés Européennes (programme AC
- Evaluation de l'état de conservation des zones humides du littoral albanais et appréciation de leurs potentialités pour le Courlis à bec grêle Numenius tenuirostris.
- Mites of the genus Paracoroptes Lavoipierre, 1955 Acariformes: Psoroptidae - skin parasites of the Afircan monkeys of the family Cercopithecidae (Primates)