Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
De spinnenfauna van enkele Rode dopheidegebieden nabij Brugge: Deel 2: Bemonsteringen in Provinciedomein Tillegembos in 2015-2016
- 105 species of spiders were collected during a year-round sampling with pitfall traps of 3 heathland patches in Provinciedomein Tillegembos south of Bruges. Several rare and interesting species were discovered and discussed. An important part of the spider fauna in these heathlands consists of species characteristic for dry, oligotrophic grasslands. Also some species of heathland and dunes were found. 13 species are mentioned as threatened on the Red list of spiders of Flanders. Five species are catalogued as endangered, Seven species as vulnerable and one species is catalogued as critically endangered on that list: Thyreosthenius biovatus. Restoration of heathlands near Bruges in the context of spider- and insect-friendly management are discussed.
De spinnenfauna van enkele rode dopheidegebieden nabij Brugge: Deel 4, drie jaar bemonsteringen in het Natuurreservaat Zevenkerken in 2014-2015-2016
- 103 species of spiders were collected during 3 years continuous sampling with pitfall traps of 2 heathland patches in Nature Reserve Zevenkerken south-west of Bruges. Several rare and interesting species were discovered and discussed. Besides a large amount of species characteristic for forest and shrubs also an important part of the spider fauna in these heathlands consist of species characteristic for dry, oligotrophic grasslands. Also some species of heathland and dunes were found. 12 species are mentioned as threatened on the Red list of spiders of Flanders. Six species are catalogued as endangered, six as vulnerable. Restoration of heathland in Zevenkerken and Bruges in general in the context of spider and insect-friendly management are discussed.
Spinnen en loopkevers ingezameld tijdens een korte bodemvalbemonstering te Doeveren (Zedelgem‐Oostkamp)
- Spiders and carabid beetles were collected with pitfall traps during a short sampling campaign in the spring of 2017 (from 24/05 to 11/07) in the nature reserve Doeveren at Zedelgem‐Oostkamp. 49 species of spiders and 34 species of carabid beetles were found. We here discuss some particular species of both arthropod groups that are mentioned as threatened on the Red list for Flanders. We comment the management and heathland restoration measures of the last years and its impact on both faunas
Geomorphosites: function and geoheritage preservation in Belgium. In: A. Demoulin (ed.) Landscapes and Landforms of Belgium and Luxembourg.
Zoektocht naar de oorsprong van de mergelsteen in het Sint-Lutgardisheiligdom van Tongeren. In: Wido Quist & Hendrik-Jan Tolboom, red. Natuursteen in Limburg / Natuursteen uit Limburg.
Natuurlijke bouwstenen van Zuid-Limburg en omgeving. In: Wido Quist & Hendrik-Jan Tolboom, red. Natuursteen in Limburg / Natuursteen uit Limburg.
Halloysite occurrence at the karstified contact of Oligocene sands and Cretaceous calcarenites in Hinnisdael quarries, Vechmaal (NE of Belgium).
Volcanic tuff, an exotic historical building stone in Flanders. In: Nijland, T.G., ed., Use and conservation of Rhenish tuff in the Netherlands, Germany, Flanders and Denmark.
Lessons from Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark Belgian – Vietnamese project. In: KaWaTech Workshop Education program, enhancing awareness on water resources, Dong Van, 15.3. 2017
Hertogensite Leuven, natuursteenidenticatie stadswal. Studie op verzoek van Studiebureau Lode De Clercq.
Torhout, Sint-Pietersbandenkerk. Natuursteengebruik binnen en buiten. Studie op verzoek van L. Braet, Parochiale eenheid 'Petrusgemeenschap' Torhout.
Hof ter Bruelen, Tongerlo. Natuursteenbeschrijving binnen en buiten. Bijdrage tot herkomstbepaling. Studie op verzoek van Studiebureau Monumentenzorg.
1967… De beginjaren. In: Bram Rooseleer, red. 1967-2017, 50 jaar speleo en andere onnozeliteiten.
Hakendover Goddelijke Zaligmakerkerk: Natuursteenbeschrijving binnen en buiten. Bijlage: voorstudie bodemstabiliteit door middel van radar-interferentie satellietmetingen. voor Studiebureau Monumentenzorg.
Field campaign in Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark 7-16.3.2017 for KaWaTech project. Reports: Folding in the Song Hien Formation (2 p.), Some comments and recommendations on karstification and speleogenesis on the Dong Van Karst Plateau (2 p.); A new geosit
Geologica Belgica annual report, looking back at 2016.
First records of Trichina Meigen, Euthyneura Macquart and Oedalea Meigen (Diptera, Hybotidae) from North Africa, with descriptions of two new species
A natural death assemblage of fishes from an early modern archeological context in Antwerp (Belgium)
- Abstract An unusual concentration of tens of thousands small fish remains discovered during rescue excavations in the town of Antwerp, Belgium, is described. The material was found in a small depression with no associated archeological material but could be dated to the first half of the 16th century based on its stratigraphic position. About 3500 freshwater fish were found in articulating position and it is shown that they died naturally during a single depositional event after an exceptional flood. The species spectrum and the reconstructed fish lengths make it possible to document the season when the catastrophic mortality occurred. This assemblage differs from the few assemblages of natural mortality reported in the literature, which are all of the attritional type.
130 years of heavy metal pollution archived in the shell of the intertidal dog whelk, Nucella lapillus (Gastropoda, Muricidae)
Survey of parasitic larval trematodes in the assassin snails Anentome helena and A. wykoffi from Thailand