Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- What about Platybrachys & c. planthoppers one century after Henry Hacker? (Hemiptera: Eurybrachidae)
- A myriad of new species of the Tartessini (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Tartessinae) leafhoppers from Queensland
- DNA-based species identification of mosquitoes collected with Malaise traps in the Botanic Garden Jean Massart (Diptera: Culicidae)
- An introduction to the survey of the diversity of the flies (Diptera) in the centennial Botanic Garden Jean Massart (Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium)
- The Botanic Garden Jean Massart (Brussels-Capital Region): a hotspot for long-legged flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) in Belgium or not?
- Fungus gnats in the Botanic Garden Jean Massart: an amazing diversity beyond the naked eye (Diptera: Diadocidiidae, Ditomyiidae, Bolitophilidae, Keroplatidae, Mycetophilidae)
- Atelestidae (Diptera: Empidoidea) from the Botanic Garden Jean Massart with a first record from Belgium of the very rare Meghyperus sudeticus Loew, 1850 and an update on the Belgian Atelestidae
- An annotated checklist of the Scatopsidae (Diptera) of the Botanic Garden Jean Massart at the outskirts of Brussels (Belgium)
- Evaluating underwater noise regulations for piling noise in Blegium and the Netherlands
- The impact of different reproductive strategies on flatfish in the North Sea
- Morphology study of the otoliths of the parrotfish, Chlorurus sordidus (Forsska˚l, 1775) and Hipposcarus harid (Forsska˚l, 1775) from the Red Sea coast of Egypt (Family: Scaridae)
- Spatial patterns of chlorophyll a variability in the North East Atlantic
- How vertical swimming behaviour affects jellyfish journey?
- Water circulation inside the Bay of Calvi (Corsica, France): historical review and future perspectives
- How is connectivity of flatfish impacted by reproductive strategy?
- Modelling larval transport and connectivity of sole:using ICES survey assessment for parameterization
- Where are sole larvae and juveniles arriving at the Belgium coast coming from?
- How is connectivity of flatfish impacted by reproductive strategy?
- Where does this fish come from? Tracing sole juveniles arriving at the Belgian nursery using genomics and otolith shape
- Tracing marine nitrogen back to its continental source