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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Inproceedings Reference Gastropods as intermediate hosts of feline cardio-pulmonary parasites in Greece: preliminary results
Inproceedings Reference Taxonomy and phylogeny of the millipede family Pseudospirobolellidae in Southeast Asia
Inproceedings Reference [···]
Article Reference African Bushmeat in Brussels: high prices and high levels of misidentification
Article Reference Seafood on the Belgian market: do you get what you are paying for?
Article Reference Barcoding organisms and tissues of policy concern: experiences from three years of BopCo
Article Reference DNA barcoding for forensics: experiences from three years of BopCo
Article Reference DNA barcoding to identify invasive alien species targeted by EU policies
Article Reference Identification of disease vectors from foreign deployment sites of the Belgian armed forces using DNA-based technologies
Article Reference A DNA-based approach to validate the identification of exotic mosquito species in Belgium
Article Reference DNA barcoding and identification of intermediate slug hosts in the framework of an epidemiological survey in Germany
Article Reference Prospections sur la « villa gallo-romaine du Sart », au lieu-dit La Hamaide, à Hautrage (B).
Hautrage, une commune belge appartenant à l’entité de Saint-Ghislain, se situe dans la partie occidentale de la province du Hainaut. Plusieurs découvertes archéologiques, la plupart anciennes et souvent mal documentées, sont mentionnées sur son territoire1 . 1. Historique des recherches, le site (J. DUFRASNES) La première mention de ce site archéologique apparaît dans HAUBOUDIN 1898, p. 80. L’auteur, un archéologue amateur très actif habitant Stambruges2 , note alors : Villa du Sart.- Un chemin, qui porte encore le nom de chemin d’El Ville3 , indique la Villa du Sart qui est proche. Le cimetière était la nécropole de cette villa4 . Des notes manuscrites datées de janvier 19415 et un inventaire réalisé à l’occasion de l’entrée d’une partie de la collection d’Edmond Haubourdin aux Musées royaux d’Art et d’Histoire de Bruxelles mentionnent du matériel susceptible de provenir de la villa de la Hamaide à Hautrage, c’est-à-dire de la « villa du Sart » (fig. 1). Cependant, aucun des écrits laissés par cet archéologue ne relate qu’il obtint du matériel archéologique de ce site par acquisition, par des fouilles ou des prospections. Edmond Haubourdin ajoute : « Diverticulum.- Le chemin qui traverse le chemin de fer à la station de la Hamaide porte, au cadastre d’Hautrage, le nom de chaussée romaine. Cette chaussée [dont l’actuelle rue des Bats, à 300 mètres à l’est du site, serait un tronçon selon l’auteur ndlr] passait près de la villa et se dirigeait vers Bavay, probablement vers Chièvres, par Villerot, Sirault et Neufmaison, où elle se confondait avec le diverticulum qui venait de Condé par Stambruges. La grande largeur de cette voie de communication accuse son origine romaine »6
Article Reference Vertebrate Palaeoecology of the Pisco Formation (Miocene, Peru): Glimpses into the Ancient Humboldt Current Ecosystem
Article Reference Bistability in the redox chemistry of sediments and oceans
For most of Earth’s history, the ocean’s interior was pervasively anoxic and showed occasional shifts in ocean redox chemistry between iron-buffered and sulfide-buffered states. These redox transitions are most often explained by large changes in external inputs, such as a strongly altered delivery of iron and sulfate to the ocean, or major shifts in marine productivity. Here, we propose that redox shifts can also arise from small perturbations that are amplified by nonlinear positive feedbacks within the internal iron and sulfur cycling of the ocean. Combining observational evidence with biogeochemical modeling, we show that both sedimentary and aquatic systems display intrinsic iron–sulfur bistability, which is tightly linked to the formation of reduced iron–sulfide minerals. The possibility of tipping points in the redox state of sediments and oceans, which allow large and nonreversible geochemical shifts to arise from relatively small changes in organic carbon input, has important implications for the interpretation of the geological rock record and the causes and consequences of major evolutionary transitions in the history of Earth’s biosphere
Article Reference Cryptophyllium, the hidden leaf insects – descriptions of a new leaf insect genus and thirteen species from the former celebicum species group (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae)
Book Reference BICEpS Annual report 2019 – Reinforcing Belgian ICES People
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES; French: Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, CIEM) is an intergovernmental marine science organization that brings together the efforts and knowledge of 20 Member States, bordering the North Atlantic and the Arctic Circumpolar Zone, on physical oceanography, marine ecosystems and fisheries management. Nowadays, more than 80 Belgian scientists are directly involved in the work of the 150 bodies and expert groups of ICES, which gather the expertise of more than 1500 scientists yearly, totalling up to 5000 scientists from over 700 marine institutes and organizations over the years. This important and often voluntary dedication of Belgian scientists to the work of ICES deserves more visibility among the Belgian scientific community itself and to policy makers.This is, among others, why the BICEpS initiative was launched in 2018. BICEpS general aim is to offer a platform to the Belgian ICES community to get to know each other, to improve collaboration and share information, and to promote ICES to the wider scientific community in Belgium. BICEpS Annual report 2019 presents the second year of activity of this initiative created to reinforce Belgian ICES people. The report targets marine scientists, marine managers and policy makers. It presents the results of the initiative so far. The report contains the list of Belgian ICES members in 2019 with their membership to the different ICES working groups, and the results of the second BICEpS Colloquium organised on 2 December 2019 and hosted by ILVO in Ghent (Summary of the sessions, abstracts of communications presented and list of participants). The abstracts of the colloquium are supplemented by a separate annex published online which assembles the PowerPoint presentations of the colloquium accessible at This report is accessible on the ICES website at
Book Reference Compilation of presentations at BICEpS colloquium 2019. Annexe to BICEpS Annual report 2019 – Reinforcing Belgian ICES People.
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES; French: Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, CIEM) is an intergovernmental marine science organization that brings together the efforts and knowledge of 20 Member States, bordering the North Atlantic and the Arctic Circumpolar Zone, on physical oceanography, marine ecosystems and fisheries management. Nowadays, more than 70 Belgian scientists are directly involved in the work of the 150 bodies and expert groups of ICES, which gather the expertise of more than 1500 scientists yearly, totalling up to 5000 scientists from over 700 marine institutes and organizations over the years. This important and often voluntary dedication of Belgian scientists to the work of ICES deserves more visibility among the Belgian scientific community itself and to policy makers.This is, among others, why the BICEpS initiative was launched. BICEpS general aim is to offer a platform to the Belgian ICES community to get to know each other, to improve collaboration and share information, and to promote ICES to the wider scientific community in Belgium. BICEpS Annual report 2018 presents the genesis and first year of activity of this initiative created to reinforce Belgian ICES people. The report targets marine scientists, marine managers and policy makers. It presents the demarche leading to the creation of the BICEpS community and activities conducted in 2018. The report contains the list of Belgian ICES members in 2018 with their membership to the different ICES working groups, and the results of the first BICEpS Colloquium organised on 2 December 2019 and hosted by ILVO in Ghent(outcome of a participatory discussion on the future of BICEpS, abstracts of communications presented and list of participants. The report is also published on ICES's website at The abstracts of the colloquium are supplemented by a separate annex published online which assembles the PowerPoint presentations of the colloquium accessible at
Book Reference Compilation of presentations at BICEpS colloquium 2019. Annexe to BICEpS Annual report 2019 – Reinforcing Belgian ICES People.
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES; French: Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, CIEM) is an intergovernmental marine science organization that brings together the efforts and knowledge of 20 Member States, bordering the North Atlantic and the Arctic Circumpolar Zone, on physical oceanography, marine ecosystems and fisheries management. Nowadays, more than 80 Belgian scientists are directly involved in the work of the 160 bodies and expert groups of ICES, which gather the expertise of more than 1500 scientists yearly, totalling up to 5000 scientists from over 700 marine institutes and organizations over the years. This important and often voluntary dedication of Belgian scientists to the work of ICES deserves more visibility among the Belgian scientific community itself and to policy makers.This is, among others, why the BICEpS initiative was launched in 2018. BICEpS general aim is to offer a platform to the Belgian ICES community to get to know each other, to improve collaboration and share information, and to promote ICES to the wider scientific community in Belgium. BICEpS Annual report 2019 presents the second year of activity of this initiative created to reinforce Belgian ICES people. The report targets marine scientists, marine managers and policy makers. It presents the results of the initiative so far. The report contains the list of Belgian ICES members in 2019 with their membership to the different ICES working groups, and the results of the second BICEpS Colloquium organised on 2 December 2019 and hosted by ILVO in Ghent (Summary of the sessions, abstracts of communications presented and list of participants). The abstracts of the colloquium are supplemented by a separate annex published online which assembles the PowerPoint presentations of the colloquium accessible at The full report is accessible on the ICES website at
Inbook Reference In Search of a Harbour in the Past Landscapes of Tell Tweini. Identification of Sedimentary Environments in Support of an Archaeological Issue
Techreport Reference Carpologisch onderzoek van een holoceen veenpakket op de site Kreupelenstraat - Zilverstraat (BR295)


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