Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Comaroma simoni Bertkau, araignée nouvelle pour la faune belge.
- Dicymbium brevisetosum Locket (Araneae, Linyphiidae), nieuw voor de Belgische fauna
- Contribution à la connaissance de la faune aranéologique et enomologique de la région de Buzenol (Province du Luxembourg)
- Araignées des Hautres Fagnes. II. Ecologie
- Early life stages of flatfish: otolith microstructure reveals patterns of dispersal and juvenile dynamics
- Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMoSEM)
- Impact of climate change on sole larval recruitment in the North Sea and match-mismatch between larvae and phytoplankton
- Tracing back nutrients from Southern North Sea eutrophicated areas up to the watersheds
- Impact of climate change on larval recruitment and connectivity of sole in the North Sea
- Integrating field data to parametrize a larval transport model of sole and improve knowledge on recruitment and connectivity
- Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMoSEM)
- How much of the sole early life stage mortality variabiltiy is explained by egg and larval dispersal and by mismatch with algal bloom in the North Sea?
- Calibration of a sole larval transport model using ICES survey assessments
- Dispersal dynamics of early life stages in the ocean
- Genomic traceability of juvenile stages of flatfish: the case of the Belgian sole nursery
- Where are sole larvae and juveniles arriving at the Belgium coast coming from?
- Spinnen van Elsenborn.
- Walckenaera nodosa O.P. Cambridge (Araneae, Linyphidiae), nieuw voor de Belgische fauna.
- Araignées et Opilions de la Gaume dans les environs de la Station Biologique d'Ethe-Buzenol.
- Araignées nouvelles ou rares pour la faune belge.