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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Trois Araignées nouvelles pour la faune de Belgique: Clubiona stagnalis Kulze, Savignya frontata Black et Streptospaenus (Diplocephalus) permixtus Cambr.
Article Reference Baelen/Baelen: occupations du Haut- et du Bas-Empire à Nereth 2.
Article Reference Une Araignée nouvelle pour la faune de Belgique: Ostearius melanopygius (Cambr.)
Article Reference Les Araignées de la Réserve de la Calamine (1e partie)
Article Reference Les Araignées de la Réserve de la Calamine (2e partie)
Article Reference Note sur les espèces belges du genre Pirata (Araneae, Lycosidae)
Article Reference Trois Araneus nouveaux pour la faune de Belgique: A. alpicus (L. Koch), A. ceropegius (Walck.) et A. sanguineus (C.L. Koch)
Article Reference Sharing is caring? Barcoding suggests co-introduction of dactylogyrid monogeneans with Nile tilapia and transfer towards native tilapias in sub-Saharan Africa
Article Reference New records of Palaearctic Dynastinae (3) : occurence of Eophileurus pectoralis Arrow, 1908 in China, and complement to its distribution in India
Article Reference First records of Archophileurus chaconus (Kolbe, 1910) for Europe in the province of Valencia (east iberian peninsula) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Article Reference Revision of the genus Hystatoderes Lameere, 1917 (Part I): species from Vietnam (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Anacolini)
Article Reference South American terrestrial Gastropoda in the collection of the Auckland War Memorial Museum
Article Reference The “Triceratops” leafhoppers. A new species of the genus Cornutipo Evans, 1934 from Northern Queensland, Australia. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Eurymelinae: Ipoini)
Article Reference The Entognatha, Malacostraca and Myriapoda of the botanical garden Jean Massart (Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium)
Article Reference Updated checklist, origin, distribution, literature and genital drawings of the spiders of the Galápagos Islands
The list of Galapagos spider species has been updated and now includes 161 species. We provide information on their synonyms and distribution. Existing literature is also mentioned for each species. The species illustrated were all captured by members of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences on various missions to the Galapagos and identified by the first author, and are held in the collections of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.
Book Reference Flies in the centennial Botanic Garden Jean Massart (Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium)
Inproceedings Reference Évolution du paysage végétal médiéval et mise en évidence de la densification des activités humaines sur le site de la “Petite rue des Bouchers” (Bruxelles, Belgique). Étude interdisciplinaire
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique d’Anthisnes – Brassine - Bas Moyen Age et Temps Modernes (Tamisage)
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique d’Andenelle – Château Noël. Ateliers de potiers médiévaux
Techreport Reference Analyse d’échantillons de sédiments à la recherche d’opercules de Bithynia (1)


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