Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- The HNS-MS Project (2015-2016). OTSOPA 15/03/03 presented by Belgium and France at the Meeting of the Working Group on Operational, Technical and Scientific Questions concerning Counter Pollution Activities (OTSOPA)
- Etude des restes végétaux
- Palaeobotanical study of representative Upper Palaeolithic sites in the Central European Plain: a contribution to the Sc-004 Project
- Radiocarbon chronology of representative Upper Palaeolithic sites in the Central European Plain: a contribution to the Sc-004 Project
- Identification of a fossil wood sepecimen in the Red Sandstone Group of southwestern Tanzania: stratigraphical and tectonic implications
- Climatic events and Upper Palaeolithic chronology in the Dniestr Basin: new radiocarbon results from Cosautsi
- Le mégalithisme de Famenne: Approche pluridisciplinaire et perspectives
- Les tourbières et leur histoire
- Wood analysis of two Scytho-Siberian kurgans in the Sebÿstei valley (Altai Republic)
- La forêt fossile d'Overlaar, Belgique (transition Paléocène-Eocène)
- Analyse anthracologique des occupations néolithiques du site d'Altwies - "Op dem Boesch" (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg)
- Anthracology and radiochronology of the Upper Pleistocene in the loessic areas of Eurasia
- New absolute dates in radiocarbon sequences of Kostienki 14 (Markina Gora)
- Cadre stratigraphique et chronologique du Gravettien en Europe centrale
- Kostienki 14 (Voronezh, central Russia): new data on stratigraphy and radiocarbon chronology.
- La nouvelle séquence stratigraphique de la grotte Walou (Belgique)
- Les dates radiocarbone de Maisières-Canal
- Etude anthracologique des occupations rubanées et protohistorique du site de Remerschen-« Schengerwis » (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg). Utilisation du bois, environnement et chronologie.
- Belgian cave entrance and rock-shelter sequences as palaeoenvironmental data recorders: the example of Walou cave.
- Variabilité des enregistrements polliniques en montagne et reconstructions paléoécologiques