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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Techreport Reference Compendium voor Kust en Zee 2013: Een geïntegreerd kennisdocument over de socio-economische, ecologische en institutionele aspecten van de kust en zee in Vlaanderen en België.
Techreport Reference Executive summary, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) (2013). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Learning from the past to optimise future monitoring programmes. pp. 9-13
Techreport Reference Not necessarily all gold that shines: appropriate ecological context setting needed!,
Techreport Reference Optimising the future Belgian offshore wind farm monitoring programme
Techreport Reference Fouling community on the foundations of wind turbines and the surrounding scour protection
Techreport Reference The effects of pile driving on marine mammals and fish in Belgian waters.
Techreport Reference Invasive American razor clam Ensis directus in Belgian waters: a true opportunity for shell-fisheries?
Techreport Reference Cis de strandjutter: Dood door plastiek: het onfortuinlijke lot van een jonge dwergvinvis
Techreport Reference Eerste vondst van de gestreepte eendenmossel Conchoderma virgatum (Spengler, 1790) op de Belgische kust en bijkomende waarnemingen van de geplooide eendenmossel Dosima fascicularis (Ellis & Solander, 1786)
Techreport Reference Cis de strandjutter: Zeemijnen, “mooi “ en meedogenloos
Techreport Reference Verstekelingen op drift: de verborgen fauna uit plastic buizen afkomstig van de Noord Franse offshore mosselkweek en aangespoeld op onze kust.
Techreport Reference The ongoing hardening of the coasts, an ecosystem altering mechanism favouring non-indigenous species.
Techreport Reference Assessing bivalve's distribution as a response to phytoplankton/inorganic suspended particles ratio in the Belgian coastal zone: a trait based model. Communication at the 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liège, Belgium, 13-17/5/2013
Techreport Reference Qualifying and quantifying offshore wind farm-generated noise
Techreport Reference Acoustically tagging Atlantic cod - the silver bullet to investigate behaviour?
Techreport Reference Offshore wind farms significantly alter fish community structure - Aggregation of Atlantic cod and pouting
Techreport Reference Non-indigenous species in the North-East Atlantic.
Techreport Reference Does it really matter?
Techreport Reference An ecosystem approach towards beach spatial planning
Techreport Reference Offshore wind farms as productive sites for fishes?


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