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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference The sawfly fauna of the Hautes-Pyrénées (France), with results of the 15th International Sawfly Workshop, 2011
Article Reference Cranial Endocast of the Lambeosaurine Hadrosaurid Amurosaurus riabinini from the Amur Region, Russia
Information on the structure of the brain of the lambeosaurine hadrosaurid dinosaur Amurosaurus riabinini, from the Late Maastrichtian of Blagoveschensk, Far Eastern Russia, is presented based on endocranial casts. The endocasts are compared with physical and digital endocasts of other dinosaurs. The olfactory tract was large. The cerebral hemispheres are enlarged and round, illustrating the important development of this part of the brain in hadrosaurids. The pituitary body is enlarged as well, perhaps prefiguring the large size attained by hadrosaurids. The EQ of Amurosaurus was similar to that of the lambeosaurine dinosaur Hypacrosaurus altispinus and was relatively larger than in most extant non-avian reptiles, including sauropod and ceratopsian dinosaurs. However, it was apparently relatively smaller than those of most theropod dinosaurs. The relatively large size of the cerebrum is consistent with the range and complexity of social behaviors inferred for lambeosaurine dinosaurs.
Article Reference L'angoisse du conservateur au moment de l'acquisition: écho du terrain
Article Reference L'orogenèse varisque dans le sillon houiller de Haine-Sambre-et-Meuse
Proceedings Reference Feather-like structures and scales in a Jurassic neornithischian dinosaur from Siberia
Recent discoveries in Middle–Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous deposits from northeastern China have revealed that numerous theropod dinosaurs were covered by feathers. Furthermore, filamentous integumentary structures were also recently described in rare Early Cretaceous ornithischian dinosaurs from Liaoning Province in China. Whether these filaments can be regarded as epidermal and therefore part of the evolutionary lineage towards feathers remains controversial. Here we describe a new basal neornithischian dinosaur, based on isolated bones and partial skeletons collected in two monospecific bonebeds from the Middle–Late Jurassic Kulinda locality in the Transbaikal region (Russia). Varied integumentary structures were found directly associated with skeletal elements, supporting the hypothesis that simple filamentous feathers, as well as compound feather-like structures comparable to those in theropods, were widespread amongst the whole dinosaur clade. Moreover, scales along the distal tibia and on the foot closely resemble the secondarily-appearing pedal scales in extant birds. More surprisingly, dorso-ventral movements of the tail were prevented by large imbricated scales on its dorsal surface. It is hypothesized that, at the same time early feathers evolved within the whole dinosaur clade, genetic mechanisms limiting the growth of long epidermal structures on the distal portion of the hind limb and on the tail were selected as they facilitate bipedal terrestrial locomotion.
Inproceedings Reference Black shales in Belgium
Inproceedings Reference Organic-rich roof shales in coal sequences as gas shales: well KB174, Campine Basin, Belgium
Proceedings Reference What can we learn from the brain of ornithopod dinosaurs?
Proceedings Reference Gas shales in Belgium?
Inproceedings Reference Assessing cathodoluminescence as a tool for sourcing oolitic ironstones
Article Reference Q&A
Article Reference Kiribati
Techreport Reference Thermaal water voor Kuuroord Terhills, Maasmechelen : geologisch – mijnbouwhistorisch vooronderzoek
Article Reference Notes historiques. La Pierre d'Avesnes (première partie)
Book Reference Geologische fietsroute. Voerstreek - Mergelland
Book Reference Bouwmeesters voor de goden. Een Romeins tempelcomplex an de Keversstraat, Tongeren
Article Reference The Red Marble of Baelen, a particular historical building stone with global geological importance and local use
Article Reference Assessing the impact of 1498 Meio earthquake and tsunami along the Enshu-nada coast, central Japan using coastal geology
Article Reference Geoarchaeology: A toolbox of approaches applied in a multidisciplinary research discipline
Inproceedings Reference Quaternary geological landscape evolution across borders: linking the Scheldt to Rhine-Thames Land


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