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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Weak population structure and recent demographic expansion of the monogenean parasite Kapentagyrus spp. infecting clupeid fishes of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
Article Reference How to avoid eutrophication in coastal seas? A new approach to derive river-specific combined nitrate and phosphate maximum concentrations
Article Reference Update on the poorly known praying mantis Tamolanica leopoldi (Werner, 1923) with the description of the previously unknown male
Article Reference Phylogenomic Characterization of Lopma Virus and Praja Virus, Two Novel Rodent-Borne Arteriviruses
Article Reference SARS-CoV-2 surveillance in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from Antwerp sewer system, Belgium
Article Reference Description of Monstrotyphis takashigei n. sp. (Muricidae: Typhinae) from Akino-hama, Izu-Oshima, Izu Islands, Japan
Inproceedings Reference Animal consumption and herding practices during the early Middle Ages across the modern city of Huy (Belgium)
Since the 1990s, the modern town of Huy, located at the borders of the river Meuse (Liege province, Belgium), has undergone several preventive archaeological excavations in the context of urban development. Each of these excavations brought to light numerous traces of human activity, mainly from the mediaeval period. A publication project aims to bring together the numerous data collected over the last 30 years through this substantial fieldwork, which leads to close cooperation of many specialised disciplines, including archaeozoology. A major effort invested in the study of the ceramics made it possible to provide a fine chronological phasing allowing a more in-depth diachronic analysis. The rich archaeological material uncovered includes more than 50,000 animal remains, both collected by hand and by sieving. Although the fauna[ material collected ranges chronologically from the late Roman period to the early modern period, we will focus mainly on remains attributed to the Early and High Middle Ages, periods that are well represented. The sites analysed are scattered on both banks of the river, some of them are present close to the primitive core of the town, while others represent peripheral craft areas. The study of these different settlements makes it possible to illustrate the food practices and meat supply strategies since the redeployment of the core of human occupation in the early mediaeval period.
Inproceedings Reference Sous les pavés la plage : le contexte des occupations mésolithiques et néolithiques du Grognon, à Namur
Inproceedings Reference Sous les pavés la plage : premières données sur les occupations mésolithiques et néolithiques du Grognon, à Namur
Inproceedings Reference Huy au Moyen Âge s.l. : 30 ans de fouilles, 3 ans d'analyses archéobiologiques, 5 spécialités. Bilan de 10 siècles de vestiges de consommation, d'activités économiques et d'exploitation de l'environnement
Inproceedings Reference Étude des restes humains et animaux des niveaux néolithiques de la grotte genvier à Matignolle
Inproceedings Reference Etude des vestiges anthropologiques, fauniques et archéologiques découverts dans la grotte des enfants à Freyr (Nelgique, Néolithique récent)
Inproceedings Reference Apport des archéosciences au contexte socio-économique de l'activité minière durant le Néolithique à Spiennes
Inproceedings Reference Pratiques alimentaires révélées par un plancher et des fosses de rejets de la fin du Moyen Âge dans le sud des Pays-Bas, sur le site de Revogne (Beauraing)
Inproceedings Reference Studying the human exploitation of birds during the Paleolithic in Belgium from old and recent bone collections
Inproceedings Reference Analyse ADN d'une pièce d'échecs découverte à Jambes et commerce de l'ivoire au Moyen Âge (Nr)
Article Reference ADN et commerce de l'ivoire au Moyen Âge, au départ d'une pièce d'échecs découverte à Jambes
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique du site Aux Ruelles à Huy (Z1 et Z3). Zone d’habitat et d’artisanat occupée de l’époque romaine (2e-3e siècles) au Moyen Âge (14e siècle)
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique de Huy – Sous-le-Château (3e-17e siècle)
Techreport Reference Etude archéozoologique de Huy - Saint-Hilaire (Z02). Zone de rejets liée à un habitat et au travail du métal d’époque mérovingienne (6e-7e siècle)


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