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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Late-glacial and Holocene climate reconstruction as inferred from a stalagmite from a stalagmite - Grotte du Père Noël, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium.
Article Reference The 8.2 ka event: is it registered in Belgian speleothems?
Article Reference Proserpine, een open boek over ons verleden
Article Reference Small Country, Great Karst…, The Belgian Karst. (in Turkish)
Article Reference La Formation de Matagne et l'extinction en masse du Dévonien Supérieur
Article Reference Discerning geological and geographical sources of Belgian Upper Paleolithic fluorites by Rare Earth Elements and Sr-isotopic geochemistry.
Inbook Reference La derle : l’emblématique richesse andennaise.
Proceedings Reference Geological record and sedimentology of the Palaeozoic oolitic ironstone deposits in Western Europe. Spatial relationships with the Linienbandkeramik settlements (LBK) in Belgium.
Proceedings Reference Geochemistry and XRD to differentiate oolitic ironstone geological levels from Germany, Belgium and France and application to the archaeological artefacts.
Article Reference Ostracods, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility records from the stratotype of Terres d'Haurs Formation (Givetian) at the Mont d'Haurs (Givet, France).
Inproceedings Reference Human impact on avulsion and fan development in a semi-arid region: examples from SW Iran
Article Reference Ostracods, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility of the Hanonet Formation/ Trois-Fontaines Formation boundary interval (Early Givetian) at the Mont d'Haurs (Givet, France)
Book Reference Guide Field book of the international workshop: “About Haematite. Procurement and transformation during recent prehistory.”
Proceedings Reference Ostracodes, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility of the Givetian/Frasnian transition at Sourd d'Ave (Dinant Synclinorium, Belium)
Article Reference L'établissement rural germanique de Nereth. Synthèse de l'étude du mobilier archéologique.
Article Reference Un atelier gallo-romain de pierres à aiguiser découvert à Buizingen (Hal, Belgique) : reconstitution des étapes de fabrication et détermination des origines géologiques et géographiques du matériau.
Proceedings Reference Drowning of a carbonate platform at the Givetian / Frasnian boundary (Sourd d'Ave section, Belgium): a comparison of different proxies (magnetic susceptibility, microfacies and gamma-ray spectrometry
Article Reference Limestones, dolostones and derived processed products in Belgium: well hidden important industrial rocks but always present in our everyday life.
Proceedings Reference Historic production of alum from Lower Namurian pyrite-rich shales between Huy and Flémalle (Province of Liège, Belgium).
Proceedings Reference Ostracods, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility of the Givetian / Frasnian transition at Ave-et-Auffe (Dinant Synclinorium, Belgium).


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