Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Life cycle assessment of geothermal plants targeting the Lower Carboniferous limestone reservoir in northern Belgium
- Deep geothermal energy extraction, a review on environmental hotspots with focus on geo-technical site conditions
- Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the early Paleogene Landana reference section, Cabinda Province, Angola
- Forty-four rock samples from the Landana section, belonging to the historical Dartevelle collection of the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) at Tervuren, Belgium, were palynologically processed and analysed. Systematic analysis of the samples from the Landana sea cliff locality has revealed 90 dinoflagellate cyst taxa spanning an interval that ranges at least from the middle Paleocene to the late Eocene/early Oligocene. This locality represents the first extensive sub-equatorial African Paleogene dinoflagellate cyst record. Dinoflagellate cyst occurrences were calibrated and evaluated against newly revised foraminiferal ranges. This novel dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphic record was compared and correlated with contemporaneous records relatively close by in the Gulf of Guinea, as well as with records from more distant locations such as Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand. A preliminary dinoflagellate cyst zonation is here proposed comprising three zones and five unzoned yet otherwise distinct intervals. The lower part of the Landana section records a large portion of the early to middle/ late Selandian, which is made apparent by the presence of taxa such as Isabelidinium cingulatum, Isabelidinium? viborgense, and Spinidinium densispinatum. The Thanetian through Lutetian part of the section is more fragmentary and is devoid of any significant marker taxa normally typical for this time interval elsewhere. The upper part of the record is largely devoid of dinoflagellate cysts, with the few dinoflagellate cyst-bearing samples pointing to an Eocene to early Oligocene age. Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are relatively variable and often largely dominated by a single particular taxon or complex. We record remarkably abundant peridinioid cysts signalling high palaeoproductivity for protracted periods of time, resulting from either heightened terrestrial influence or enhanced upwelling.
- Subfamilia Paraponerinae
- Sulfidic Habitats in the Frasassi Caves, Italy: A Hotspot of Subterranean Biodiversity
- Stable isotopes reveal patterns of diet and mobility in the last Neandertals and first modern humans in Europe
- Correlating cultural, technological and ecological aspects of both Upper Pleistocene modern humans (UPMHs) and Neandertals provides a useful approach for achieving robust predictions about what makes us human. Here we present ecological information for a period of special relevance in human evolution, the time of replacement of Neandertals by modern humans during the Late Pleistocene in Europe. Using the stable isotopic approach, we shed light on aspects of diet and mobility of the late Neandertals and UPMHs from the cave sites of the Troisième caverne of Goyet and Spy in Belgium. We demonstrate that their diet was essentially similar, relying on the same terrestrial herbivores, whereas mobility strategies indicate considerable differences between Neandertal groups, as well as in comparison to UPMHs. Our results indicate that UPMHs exploited their environment to a greater extent than Neandertals and support the hypothesis that UPMHs had a substantial impact not only on the population dynamics of large mammals but also on the whole structure of the ecosystem since their initial arrival in Europe.
- La nécropole de Messancy (Province De Luxembourg, Belgique) : Évolution d'un grand cimetière trévire au cours du Haut-Empire
- Freshwater fisheries in Belgium during medieval and postmedieval times: looking for markers of overfishing and pollution
- La faune
- Analyse van middeleeuws visbot van de site Wijzemansstraat te Gent. In: DEPUYDT S., REYNS N. & BRUGGEMAN J. (red.), Archeologische opgraving Gent, Wijzemanstraat 1, Rapporten All-Archeo 148, 1-8
- Analyse van visbot uit Sluis – Nieuwstraat (14e-15e eeuw), rapport voor Artefact, rapport 2016 -06
- Analyse van het dierlijk bot van het project Groede, Waterdunen, Fort Napeolon (Zeeuws-Vlaanderen) (18e-19e eeuw), rapport 2016-07
- Analyse van visbot uit Leuven – Vesaliusstraat/ Tiensestraat (14de eeuw), rapport 2017-01
- Analyse van visbot uit Gent – Sint-Michielsstraat (13de tot 16de-17de eeuw), rapport 2017-02
- Analyse van mesolithischvisbot uit de wetlandsite te Kerkhove‘Stuw’ (Avelgem, West-Vlaanderen), rapport 2017-05
- Natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek bij de opgravingen van woonsteden uit de (volle) middeleeuwen te Koksijde-Golf ter Hille (ca. 875-1150), rapport 2018-01
- Romeinse sporen uit de 2de eeuw aan de Putberg te Asse (Vlaams-Brabant). Eindverslag van een toevalsvondst, Onderzoeksrapporten agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed 133, Brussel.
- Analyse van de dierlijke resten uit de laat-middeleeuwse site van de Grote Markt van Diksmuide (West-Vlaanderen)
- Archeologisch onderzoek langs de rijksweg N11 (Spookverlaat) ten behoeve van de aanleg van het windturbinepark Rijnwoude te Hazerswoude-Rijndijk (gem. Rijnwoude, prov. Zuid-Holland), p 186 – 197
- Analyse van de visresten uit Bronstijdsites gevonden langs de N23 Westfrisiaweg (NL), 2018 rapport 2018-10