Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Genomics in Ostracoda (Crustacea) – novel tools to answer long-standing evolutionary questions.
- Phylogenetic and genomic studies of ancient asexual darwinulid ostracods.
- Invasive Eichhornia crassipes has not acted as Noah’s Ark for South American ostracods (Crustacea) in the Congo River (Africa).
- Mitochondrial genomes of ostracods from the Southern Ocean
- Evolutionary history and phylogeography of Strandesia ostracods from four major Brazilian floodplains.
- Species and speciation in Lake Tanganyika: an ostracod perspective.
- Speciation in Malagasy Lemurs: a review of the genus Lepilemur’s cryptic diversity.
- Field data on the little known and endangered Lepilemur mittermeieri.
- Priceless ecosystems threatened by a rare earth mining project in northwest Madagascar – Ampasindava Peninsula
- Le Parc National Sahamalaza - Iles Radama serait-il l’ultime refuge pour certaines espèces de lémuriens du nord-ouest de Madagascar ?
- Seafloor change detection using multibeam echosounder backscatter: case study on the Belgian part of the North Sea
- High resolution multibeam and hydrodynamic datasets of tidal channels and inlets of the Venice Lagoon
- Marine aggregate mining in the Hinder Banks: on-board sampling of the turbid dredging overflow
- Application of a large dataset of sediment transport parameters: variability in the sediment transport in the HBMC area
- 3D voxel modelling of the marine subsurface: the Belgian Continental Shelf case
- Versatility of marine geological databases in view of MSFD related assessments
- Effects of extraction of sand on the bottom shear stress on the Belgian Contintental Shelf
- How subsurface voxel modelling and uncertainty analysis contribute to habitat-change prediction and monitoring
- MSFD-compliant assessment of the physical effects of marine aggregate extraction in the Hinder Banks, synthesis of the first 5 years
- Flexible querying of geological resource quantities and qualities, a sustainable perspective