Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Complex mineralogical-geochemical sequences and weathering events in the supergene ore of the Cu–Co Luiswishi deposit (Katanga, DR Congo).
- An isotopic and trace element investigation of gossans from Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus.
- Prospectivity mapping of phosphor in Europe; a part of the GEOERA-FRAME project.
- Prospectivity mapping of critical raw material at the continental scale - a part of the FRAME project
- A new hadrosaurine dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Far Eastern Russia
- Triassic and Jurassic lithostratigraphic units
- The Maastrichtian hadrosaurid fauna from the Amur Region (China and Russia)
- The Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) lambeosaurine dinosaur Charonosaurus jiayinensis from north-eastern China
- Dendrometry and morphometry of Pinus pinea L. in Lower Provence (France): adaptability and variability of provenances
- Numerical approach of the modern pollen rain in the Champsaur valley (French Alps) and relation to vegetation and land-use
- Anthropogenic signals in pollen diagrams from mountain environments: use of modern pollen/vegetation/land-use relationships in the French Alps
- Paléostructures de végétation à la limite supérieure des forêts dans les Alpes françaises internes
- Postglacial history of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in the Southern French Alps: an attempt for reconstructing past vegetation patterns at a regional scale
- Multiple oscillations during the Lateglacial as recorded in a multi-proxy, high-resolution record of the Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium)
- The Younger Dryas and Preboreal landscape in the Moervaart area (northwestern Belgium) and the apparent decrease in human occupation
- Reconstructing Early Atlantic to Early Subatlantic peat-forming conditions of the ombrotrophic Misten Bog (eastern Belgium) on the basis of high-resolution analyses of pollen, testate amoebae and geochemistry
- Palynological evidence of the agro-pastoral systems evolution on the French medium mountains
- Origin, evolution and potential development of a typical mountain cultural landscape: the Lower Champsaur bocage (Southern French Alps)
- Understanding prehistoric settlement and land-use systems in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) since the last 15000 years: the high resolution palaeoenvironmental multiproxy records of the Moervaart area.