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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference The Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) lambeosaurine dinosaur Charonosaurus jiayinensis from north-eastern China
Article Reference Dendrometry and morphometry of Pinus pinea L. in Lower Provence (France): adaptability and variability of provenances
Article Reference Numerical approach of the modern pollen rain in the Champsaur valley (French Alps) and relation to vegetation and land-use
Article Reference Anthropogenic signals in pollen diagrams from mountain environments: use of modern pollen/vegetation/land-use relationships in the French Alps
Article Reference Paléostructures de végétation à la limite supérieure des forêts dans les Alpes françaises internes
Article Reference Postglacial history of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in the Southern French Alps: an attempt for reconstructing past vegetation patterns at a regional scale
Article Reference Multiple oscillations during the Lateglacial as recorded in a multi-proxy, high-resolution record of the Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium)
Article Reference The Younger Dryas and Preboreal landscape in the Moervaart area (northwestern Belgium) and the apparent decrease in human occupation
Article Reference Reconstructing Early Atlantic to Early Subatlantic peat-forming conditions of the ombrotrophic Misten Bog (eastern Belgium) on the basis of high-resolution analyses of pollen, testate amoebae and geochemistry
Article Reference Palynological evidence of the agro-pastoral systems evolution on the French medium mountains
Article Reference Origin, evolution and potential development of a typical mountain cultural landscape: the Lower Champsaur bocage (Southern French Alps)
Inproceedings Reference Understanding prehistoric settlement and land-use systems in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) since the last 15000 years: the high resolution palaeoenvironmental multiproxy records of the Moervaart area.
Inproceedings Reference Reconstruction of environmental and climatic changes during the Late Glacial at Moerbeke (Flemish Valley, Belgium) usingmulti proxy lake sediment analyses
Article Reference Approches palynologique et dendrochronologique de la mise en place du paysage dans le Champsaur (Hautes-Alpes, France) à l'interface des dynamiques naturelles et des dynamiques sociales. Thématique, méthodologie et premiers résultats
Inbook Reference Salvage Archaeology and Geoarchaeology: The example of the coastal margin between Antibes and Nice (France)
Article Reference Dynamique du peuplement et activités agropastorales à l’Age du Bronze dans les vallées du Haut-Champsaur et de Freissinière (Parc des Ecrins, Hautes-Alpes)
Article Reference Mise en place du paysage dans un milieu de moyenne et haute montagne du Tardiglaciaire à l’époque actuelle. Analyse du signal palynologique en Champsaur (Hautes-Alpes, France) à l’interface des dynamiques naturelles et des dynamiques sociales
Article Reference Evolution géomorphologique holocène des plaines alluviales niçoises. Les fouilles archéologiques préventives sur les chantiers de l’ancienne Gare du Sud, du parking Notre-Dame et du Tramway
Article Reference Caractéristiques paléontologiques des couches de transition Westphalien A/B dans le bassin de Campine (sondage de Peer KB206)
Article Reference Nhung ket qua buocdautrongviec khao sat cac hang dong karst ngamvungthixa Son La cuadoi khao sat hang dong Bi - Viet Nam (Preliminary results of the speleological study of Belgian - Vietnamese Expedition in Son La)


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