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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Barcoding and traditional health practitioner perspectives are informative to monitor and conserve frogs and reptiles traded for traditional medicine in urban South Africa
Inproceedings Reference Paleo-Pathological Studies at Pachacamac, Peru: Challenges and Preliminary Results
Article Reference Characterizing the Eemian-Weichselian transition in northwestern Europe with three multiproxy speleothem archives from the Belgian Han-sur-Lesse and Remouchamps cave systems
Article Reference Corrigendum to" Evidence for solar influence in a Holocene speleothem record (PèreNöel cave, SE Belgium)". [Quat. Sci. Rev. 192 (2018) 249-262]
Article Reference Berencultus bij de vroege neanderthaler?
Article Reference Internationaal label voor acht gemeenten in karstgebied Het Famenne-Ardenne Global UNESCO Geopark
Inproceedings Reference The braincase and the endocranial cast of Lurdusaurus arenatus
Inproceedings Reference Insights into the brain of two hadrosaurid dinosaurs from Kundur, Russia
Inproceedings Reference Les structures néandertaliennes de la grotte de Bruniquel : approvisionnement en matériaux et construction - Neanderthal structures in the Bruniquel cave: supply of materials and construction
Inproceedings Reference Speleothem record from Pentadactylos cave (Cyprus): high-resolution insight into climatic variations during MIS 6 and MIS 5
Inproceedings Reference Role for researchers in (UNESCO global) geoparks - bibliometric analysis and discussion on national geopark committees
Article Reference The Biodiversity of deep-sea Scavenging Amphipoda in the Pacific Ocean. Abstracts of Zoology 2018, Antwerp, Belgium, 13-15.12.18
Webpublished Reference The Veldhoven Formation
Webpublished Reference The Voort Member
Webpublished Reference The Wintelre Member
Webpublished Reference The Someren Member
Webpublished Reference The Boncelles Formation
Webpublished Reference The Poppel Facies
Webpublished Reference The Wurfeld Formation
Webpublished Reference The Inden Formation


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