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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Notes on the genus Sarmydus Pascoe, 1867 (Cerambycidae: Prioninae: Anacolini) from India with description of a new species
Book Reference Carte géologique de Wallonie : Tongeren - Herderen (34/5-6). 1/25.000 (+ notice explicative)
Article Reference Formation of the Zeebrugge Coastal Turbidity Maximum: The role of uncertainty in near-bed exchange processes.
Techreport Reference INDI67: Developments of Indicators to improve monitoring of MSFD descriptors 6 and 7. Contract – BR/143/A2. Final Report. Brussels: Belgian Science Policy Office 2020, Brain-be, Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks
Techreport Reference MOnitoring en MOdellering van het cohesieve sedimenttransport en evaluatie van de effecten op het mariene ecosysteem ten gevolge van bagger- en stortoperatie (MOMO). Activiteitsrapport (1 juli - 31 december 2019).
Article Reference The new Oriental stick insect genus Baculomia gen.nov. with two new species from Vietnam including the first stick insect feeding on sugarcan (Phasmida, Phasmatidae, Clitumninae, Clitumnini)
Article Reference Quantiative clay mineralogy as provencance indicator for recent muds in the southern North Sea
Article Reference Modeling storm-influenced suspended particulate matter flocculation usin g a tide-wave-combined biomineral model
Article Reference A tri-model flocculation model coupled with TELEMAC for estuarine muds both in the laboratory and in the field
Article Reference Biophysical flocculation of suspended particulate matters in Belgian coastal zones
Article Reference The initiative as a foundation for climate services in Belgium
Article Reference Anthropogenic disturbance keeps the coastal seafloor biogechemistry in a transient state
Inbook Reference Data quality assessment in volunteered geographic decision support
Inbook Reference Baggeren en storten
Inbook Reference Dredging and dumping
Inbook Reference Zand- en grindwinning
Inbook Reference Sand and gravel extraction
Inproceedings Reference Variations in SPM characteristics in a nearshore marine environment and its consquences for long-term in situ measurements using optical and acoustical sensors
Inproceedings Reference Uncertainties associated with long-term observations of suspended particulated matter concentration using optical and acoustic sensors.
Article Reference Eponyms as scientific recognition to Queen Astrid and King Leopold III of Belgium


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