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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference A reappraisal of the genus Tethyrhynchia Logan, 1994 (Rhynchonellida, Brachiopoda): a conflict between phylogenies obtained from morphological characters and molecular data
Article Reference Restudy of the Lower Carboniferous Scaphopoda described by de Koninck (1843, 1883)
Article Reference Givetian brachiopods from the Trois-Fontaines Formation at Marenne (Belgium, Dinant Synclinorium)
Article Reference Revision of the brachiopod Cyrtina rigauxi Maillieux, 1909 and description of a new ambocoeliid genus (Dionacoelia n. gen.) from the Frasnian of southern Belgium
Article Reference The genus Iowatrypa Copper, 1973 (Brachiopoda) in the Les Valisettes Formation (late Frasnian of the Philippeville Anticlinorium, southern Belgium)
Article Reference The genus Biernatella Baliński, 1977 (Brachiopoda) from the late Frasnian of Belgium
Article Reference Two new atrypid brachiopod species from the late Frasnian of Belgium
Article Reference An attempt of time calibration of the Tournaisian and Viséan stages (Lower and Middle Mississippian) based on long duration orbitally forced sequences
Article Reference Evolution of the brachiopod assemblages at the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary (Hangenberg Crisis) in basinal facies from SE Thuringia (Germany)
Article Reference Diving into the morphology and ontogeny of the micromorphic rhynchonellide genus Tethyrhynchia Logan, 1994 in an attempt to elucidate a conflict between morphological and molecular phylogenies
Inbook Reference Middle and Upper Devonian Events in Belgium: review and new insights
Inbook Reference New insights on Uppermost Famennian brachiopods from north-western France (Avesnois)
Inbook Reference The Red Marble of Baelen, an exceptional mid-Famennian mud mound complex in a carbonate ramp setting from Eastern Belgium
Inbook Reference Pridolian–Lochkovian macrofaunas from southern Belgium and northern France: de Koninck (1876) revisited
Inbook Reference Diversity of athyridide brachiopods during the Late Devonian–Tournaisian in southern Belgium
Article Reference Event stratigraphy across the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary – New views from the shelf.
Article Reference Contribution des derniers brachiopodes d’Arménie à la biostratigraphie du Dévonien supérieur.
Article Reference A new Famennian (Upper Devonian) locality at Becco: geological and paleontological insights
Article Reference Early Carboniferous marine ecosystem recovery after the Hangenberg Crisis, insight from the Tournaisian brachiopod-coral fauna from South Belgium.
Article Reference Onset, growth, decline and decease of the Frasnian reefs and carbonate platform in the Frasnian of Belgium


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