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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Inbook Reference Chapter 3 Tectonic evolution
Inbook Reference Chapter 6 Carboniferous
Inbook Reference Chapter 7 Rotliegend
Inbook Reference Chapter 10 Jurassic
Inbook Reference Chapter 11 Cretaceous
Inbook Reference La Pierre d’Avesnes
Inbook Reference Geoheritage in Belgium: unknown, unloved?
ISBN 9789080906105
Inbook Reference Zoektochtnaar de oorsprong van de mergelsteen in het Sint-Lutgardisheiligdom van Tongeren.
ISBN 978-90-5269-424-5
Article Reference Faunes famenniennes de certains horizons calcaires dans la formation quartzite phylladique aux environs de Mertola (Portugal)
Article Reference Le Famennien inférieur dans la région de Theux
Article Reference Stratigraphy of the Uppermost Devonian (Famennian) in the region of Hamoir
Article Reference Frasnian - Famennian transition on the eastern border of the Dinant basin
Article Reference Le complexe sportif de Dinant. Contribution à la biostratigraphie du site
Article Reference Interprétation stratigraphique du sondage de Tohogne (Prov. Luxembourg). Transition Dévonien - Carbonifère
Article Reference Microfossils and depositional environment of late Dinantian carbonates at Heibaart (Northern Belgium).
Article Reference De steenkoolverkenningsboring van Neerglabbeek (Boring 146 van het Kempens Bekken).
Article Reference Exploration for coal in the Neeroeteren - Rotem area. Preliminary results of a seismic survey carried out in December 1980 - January 1981
Article Reference Preliminary report on Lower Tertiary - Upper Cretaceous and Dinantian - Famennian rocks in the boreholes Heugem-1/1a and Kastanjelaan-2 (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Article Reference Exploration for coal in the Belgian Campine
Article Reference Bio- and lithostratigraphic subdivisions of the Silesian in Belgium, a review


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