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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference À propos d'une pointe foliacée en obsidienne...
Article Reference Le Rubané de la Moselle luxembourgeoise : Trait d'union entre la Rhénanie et le Bassin parisien ?
Article Reference Découverte d'un site rubané à Alzingen-Grossfeld
Article Reference Une deuxième campagne de fouille sur le site rubané de Hollogne-“Douze Bonniers”
Article Reference Une deuxième campagne de fouille sur le site rubané de Hollogne-Douze Bonniers (Lg.)
Article Reference Contribution à l'étude du Néolithique ancien de la Moselle : Fouille d'un nouveau site rubané à Alzingen-Grossfeld (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg)
Inbook Reference Irish-type deposits in Tunisia: a new perspective to assign the Pb-Zn deposits of the Nefza District
Inproceedings Reference Geochemistry of the Larvik Plutonic Complex and its implications for the genesis of its Fe-Ti-P-REE mineralization.
Inproceedings Reference Mineralogical and geochemical insights of Fe-Ti-P-REE mineralization in alkaline igneous complexes: example from the Kodal deposit, Oslo Rift, Norway
Inproceedings Reference Investigating critical metals Ge and Ga in complex sulphide mineral assemblages using LIBS mapping
Inproceedings Reference Radiogenic and stable Sr isotope geochemistry of regolith hosted REE deposits: a preliminary report
Inproceedings Reference Controls on rare earth element dynamics during low- and high-temperature fluid-rock interactions in carbonatites
Inproceedings Reference Antarctic micrometeorites as a resource to complement the current Solar System inventory: the case of 16O-poor cumulate porphyritic cosmic spherules
Article Reference Assessment of the Effect of International Maritime Regulations on Air Quality in the Southern North Sea.
Article Reference Troff document Current progress in developing a MARPOL Annex VI enforcement strategy in the Bonn Agreement through remote measurements.
Article Reference International maritime regulation decreases sulfur dioxide but increases nitrogen oxide emissions in the North and Baltic Sea.
Article Reference The Role of Belgian Airborne Sniffer Measurements in the MARPOL Annex VI Enforcement Chain
Book Reference 30 Years of Belgian North Sea Aerial Surveillance – Evolution, Trends, and Developments.
Unpublished Reference text/h323 Tour d’Horizon 2023, 03-07 JULY 2023. Mission Report.
Article Reference A combined OSL and 14C dating study of charcoal production in the sandy environment of Zoersel forest (N Belgium)
We investigate the potential of quartz-based OSL-dating for application to heated sandy sediments that are closely associated with the remains of charcoal production (charcoal kilns). This is particularly relevant for post-1650 CE features, where 14C-dating lacks resolution. We first document the general OSL characteristics using large aliquots of sand-sized quartz. Results from procedural tests indicate that the laboratory measurement procedure should allow reliable equivalent dose estimation. The scale of analysis is then reduced to smaller aliquots for all samples, each composed of 100–200 grains, as well as to single grains for eight heated samples. For one sample, both the small and single-grain ages are consistent with the 14C-ages obtained for charcoal fragments in the same sedimentary unit. Also for three other samples, single-grains yield ages consistent with 14C-dating; all other OSL-ages are older although, for three of these samples, single grains and small aliquots yield results that are not significantly different. We discuss potential sources of inaccuracy for the OSL-dates, such as dose rate determination and homogeneous incomplete resetting. The latter is the most difficult to assess and requires additional empirical data.


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