Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Echolocating toothed whales (Cetacea, Odontoceti) from the Neogene of Belgium: historical studies, recent contributions and perspectives
- Stratigraphical context of the Pliocene right whales (Balaenidae) from the North Sea
- Variation in long bone morphology of true seals (Mammalia, Phocidae), and its impact on understanding the fossil record
- Rectification : When and where to apply for permits in Belgium when studying insects (Bulletin SRBE/KBVE, 154 : 273-280)
- New observations of the social parasitic ant Myrmica karavajevi (Arnoldi, 1930) in Belgium (Formicidae; Hymenoptera)
- Study on a lot of Asilidae collected on the Mount Kilimanjaro (Diptera; Asilidae)
- Methodiek en resulataten. In Bonte D., Vandome V. & Grootaert P., Eds. Natuurinrichtingsgebied Latemse Meersen : een studie naar het voorkomen van invertebraten in functie van het grondgebruik en de landschapsstructuur.
- The Rhagionidae or Snipeflies of the Botanical Garden Jean Massart (Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium) with notes on the identity of the rare European species Archicera avarorum Szilády, 1934 and Ptiolina obscura (Fallén, 1814) (Diptera: Rhagionidae)
- Onderzoek naar de faunistische waarde van de autosnelwegberm te Waasmunster. Rapport ENT.2001.02
- Pratijkgericht onderzoek naar kansen en belangrijke stuurvariabelen voor natuurontwikkeling op gronden met voormalig intensief landgebruik. Partim Invertebraten VLINA99/02, Rapport ENT.2001.05
- Mieren (Formicidae) van enkele kreken, rietkragen en poeloevers van het Meetjesland. In Baetens J. & Grootaert P., Eds De Betekenis van lijn- en puntvormige rietvegetaties voor semi-terrestrische ongewervelden van moerashabitats. Rapport ENT.2001.06
- Glaciomarine sequence stratigraphy in the Mississippian Río Blanco Basin, Argentina, southwestern Gondwana. Basin analysis and palaeoclimatic implications for the Late Paleozoic Ice Age during the Tournaisian
- The Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) has been well recorded in the uppermost Mississippian–Pennsylvanian of Gondwana. Nevertheless, little is known about the temporal and geographic dynamics, particularly during the early Mississippian. We report on exceptional Tournaisian glaciomarine stratigraphic sections from central Argentina (Río Blanco Basin). Encompassing c. 1400 m, these successions contain conspicuous glacigenic strata with age constraints provided by palaeontological data and U/Pb detrital zircon age spectra. A variety of marine, glaciomarine and fan-deltaic environments indicate relative sea-level variations mainly associated with tectonism and repetitive cycles of glacial activity. Provenance analysis indicates a source from the Sierras Pampeanas basement located to the east. Fifteen sequences were grouped into three depositional models: (1) Transgressive Systems Tracts (TST) to Highstand Systems Tracts (HST) sequences unaffected by glacial ice; (2) Lowstand Systems Tracts (LST) to TST and then to HST with glacial influence; and (3) non-glacial Falling-Stage Systems Tracts (FSST) to TST and HST. The glacial evidence indicates that the oldest Mississippian glacial stage of the LPIA in southwestern Gondwana is constrained to the middle Tournaisian. In contrast with previous descriptions of Gondwanan coeval glacial records, our sequence analysis confirms complex hierarchical climate variability, rather than a single episode of ice advance and retreat.
- Corrigendum to \textquotedblleftEvidence for solar influence in a Holocene speleothem record (Père Nöel cave, SE Belgium)\textquotedblright [Quat. Sci. Rev. 192 (2018) 249\textendash262]
- Characterizing the Eemian-Weichselian transition in northwestern Europe with three multiproxy speleothem archives from the Belgian Han-sur-Lesse and Remouchamps cave systems
- Cave dripwater isotopic signals related to the altitudinal gradient of Mount-Lebanon: implication for speleothem studies
- High-resolution reconstruction of 8.2-ka BP event documented in Père Noël cave, southern Belgium
- Reconstruction of Atmospheric Lead Pollution During the Roman Period Recorded in Belgian Ombrotrophic Peatlands Cores
- Climate dynamics during the penultimate glacial period recorded in a speleothem from Kanaan Cave, Lebanon (central Levant)
- Evidence for solar influence in a Holocene speleothem record (Père Noël cave, SE Belgium)
- Earthquakes as collapse precursors at the Han-sur-Lesse Cave in the Belgian Ardennes