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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Revealing patterns of nocturnal migration using the European weather radar network
Nocturnal avian migration flyways remain an elusive concept, as we have largely lacked methods to map their full extent. We used the network of European weather radars to investigate nocturnal bird movements at the scale of the European flyway. We mapped the main migration directions and showed the intensity of movement across part of Europe by extracting biological information from 70 weather radar stations from northern Scandinavia to Portugal, during the autumn migration season of 2016. On average, over the 20 nights and all sites, 389 birds passed per 1 km transect per hour. The night with highest migration intensity showed an average of 1621 birds km–1 h–1 passing the radar stations, but there was considerable geographical and temporal variation in migration intensity. The highest intensity of migration was seen in central France. The overall migration directions showed strong southwest components. Migration dynamics were strongly related to synoptic wind conditions. A wind-related mass migration event occurred immediately after a change in wind conditions, but quickly diminished even when supporting winds continued to prevail. This first continental-scale study using the European network of weather radars demonstrates the wealth of information available and its potential for investigating large-scale bird movements, with consequences for ecosystem function, nutrient transfer, human and livestock health, and civil and military aviation.
Inbook Reference L’étude archéozoologique
Article Reference Improving the standard protocol for above-water reflectance measurements: 1. Estimating effective wind speed from angular variation of sunglint
Article Reference Generating Hyperspectral Reference Measurements for Surface Reflectance from the LANDHYPERNET and WATERHYPERNET Networks
Inproceedings Reference Second derivative water reflectance spectra for phytoplankton species detection – origin, impact and removal of spectral wiggles
Article Reference Using the automated HYPERNETS hyperspectral system for multimission satellite ocean colour validation in the Río de la Plata, accounting for different spatial resolutions
Article Reference HYPERNETS: a network concept for automated hyperspectral radiometers to validate water and land surface reflectance (380-1700 nm) from all satellite missions
Article Reference Validation of multi-sensor satellite products in contrasted French coastal waters based on HYPERNETS field measurements
Article Reference Validation of satellite water products based on Hypernets in situ data using a Match-up Database File (MDB) structure
Inproceedings Reference Systematics and biogeography of the Western Ghats-Sri Lankan land-snail genus Corilla
Inproceedings Reference Molecular phytogeny of the snorkel snail Rhiostoma housei, a species complex from Thailand (Caenogastropoda: Cyclophoridae)
Article Reference Cypress terpenes in sawfly larva of Susana cupressi (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Tenthredinoidea)
Article Reference Parameter Mapping Sonification of Human Olfactory Thresholds
Article Reference A pioneer morphological and genetic study of the intertidal fauna of the Gerlache Strait (Antarctic Peninsula)
Article Reference Inventaire des chauves-souris au Jardin Botanique Jean Massart (Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgique) (Mammalia : Chiroptera : Vespertilionidae)
Article Reference Developing the Protocol Infrastructure for DNA Sequencing Natural History Collections
Article Reference Description of Scabrotrophon pratasensis spec. nov., a new Trophoninae (Gastropoda: Muricidae) from the South China Sea
Inproceedings Reference On the Haplotaxidae Michaelsen, 1900 (Annelida, Clitellata)
Article Reference A new jewel-like species of the pill-millipede genus Sphaerobelum Verhoeff, 1924 (Diplopoda, Sphaerotheriida, Zephroniidae) from Thailand
Article Reference Morphological and DNA Sequence Data of Two New Millipede Species of the Thyropygus induratus Subgroup (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida: Harpagophoridae)


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