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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Proceedings Reference Where does your saddle quern come from?” Grinding in the actual province of Limburg (BE) during the Iron Age Raw materials.
Article Reference Culturable bacterial communities associated to Brazilian Oscarella species (Porifera: Homoscleromorpha) and their antagonistic interactions.
Sponges offer an excellent model to investigate invertebrate–microorganism interactions. Furthermore, bacteria associated with marine sponges represent a rich source of bioactive metabolites. The aim of this study was to characterize the bacteria inhabiting a genus of sponges, Oscarella, and their potentiality for antimicrobial production. Bacterial isolates were recovered from different Oscarella specimens, among which 337 were phylogenetically identified. The culturable community was dominated by Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, and Vibrio was the most frequently isolated genus, followed by Shewanella. When tested for antimicrobial production, bacteria of the 12 generaisolated were capable of producing antimicrobial substances. The majority of strains were involved in antagonistic interactions and inhibitory activities were also observed against bacteria of medical importance. It was more pronounced in some isolated genera (Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Photobacterium, Shewanella and Vibrio). These findings suggest that chemical antagonism could play a significant role in shaping bacterial communities within Oscarella, a genus classified as low-microbial abundance sponge. Moreover, the identified strains may contribute to the search for new sources of antimicrobial substances, an important strategy for developing therapies to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. This study was the first to investigate the diversity and antagonistic activity of bacteria isolated from Oscarella spp. It highlights the biotechnological potential of sponge-associated bacteria.
Article Reference À Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse, un tronçon de la voie antique « Metz-Arlon-Tongres». Réflexions en cours sur l’approvisionnement en matériaux d’un chantier routier.
Book Reference «Hématite», Chapitres 1 et 2 - Autour de l’hématite / About haematite. Actes de / Acts of Jambes, 7-8/02/2013.
Book Reference «Hématite», Chapitres 3 à 5 - Autour de l’hématite / About haematite. Actes de / Acts of Jambes, 7-8/02/2013.
Inbook Reference Introduction. Introduction à l'ouvrage :"Autour de l’hématite. Approvisionnement et transformation durant la Préhistoire récente"
Inbook Reference Geological record and depositional setting of Palaeozoic oolitic ironstones in Western Europa
Inbook Reference Les hématites oolithiques du Néolithique ancien et du Mésolithique de Basse- Normandie (France) : caractérisation physico-chimique et recherche des provenances.
Inbook Reference Provenance, exploitation et utilisation de l’hématite oolithique au Néolithique ancien en Belgique : contextes et problématiques.
Inbook Reference Différenciation des hématites oolithiques à partir d’observations macroscopiques non destructives : essais de comparaison des matériaux ordoviciens normands et dévoniens belges.
Inbook Reference Definition, classification and microfacies characteristics of oolitic ironstones used in the manufacturing of red ochre. A comparative petrographical analysis of Palaeozoic samples from France, Belgium and Germany.
Inbook Reference Analyse critique du protocole de caractérisation des hématites oolithiques mis en place dans le cadre du projet collectif de recherche sur L’origine des hématites oolithiques exploitées durant la Préhistoire récente entre l’Eifel (DE) et la Normandie (FR)
Inbook Reference Pourquoi une table-ronde autour de l’hématite dans la Préhistoire ? Why a round table on hematite in Prehistory? Conclusions.
Article Reference The journals of the Société (Royale) Malacologique de Belgique (1863-1902): A history and collation
Article Reference Tourism and Pollution: A negative impact on molluscs at Safaga, El Quseir, Marsa Alam and Wadiel Gamal, Red Sea
Article Reference To the knowledge of Amphidromus Mirandus Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1912 and Amphidromus heinrichhuberi Thach & Huber in Thach, 2016 with comments on the publication by Barna Pall-Gergely et al (2020)
Article Reference The importance of validated alpha taxonomy for phylogenetic and DNA barcoding studies: a comment on species identification of pygmy grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae)
Article Reference Collecting bees on Mount Meru In Tanzania and the discovery of a new cleptoparasitic species of Lasioglossum (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae)
Article Reference Two new species of Pseudapis Kirby, 1900 (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Nomiinae) from Africa
Article Reference Contribution à l'inventaire des abeilles sauvages de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale et de la Forêt de Soignes (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)


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