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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Détermination par analyse palynologique de l'âge crétacé inférieur de mise en place du gisement de barite de Fleurus (Synclinorium de Namur, Belgique).
Article Reference Géochimie isotopique du soufre des gîtes plombo-zincifères belges.
Article Reference Contribution à l'étude des dolomies mésodévoniennes et frasniennes dans les Synclinoria de Verviers et de Namur : répartition, pétrographie et géochimie.
Article Reference Carte des gîtes minéraux de la France à 1/500 000
Article Reference Lithogeochemistry of the platform sediments deposited south of the Brabant Massif (Belgium) during the Mesodevonian and the Frasnian.
Article Reference Paleogeography of two reef bearing Devonian formation, Verviers Synclinorium, Belgium
Article Reference Le gisement de Fleurus (Belgique) : une concentration de barytine sédimentaire en milieu lacustre piégée dans un paléokarst envahi par des sédiments wealdiens.
Article Reference Géochimie isotopique (C, O, Sr) des dolomies frasniennes du Massif de Philippeville (Synclinorium de Dinant, Belgique).
Article Reference Isotope geochemistry (S, C, O, Sr, Pb) of the Chaudfontaine mineralization (Belgium).
Article Reference Les enseignements d'une campagne sismique conduite entre Liège et Verviers
Article Reference The sedimentary structures of barite: examples from the Chaudfontaine ore deposit, Belgium
Article Reference Use and selection of sleeping sites by proboscis monkeys, Nasalis larvatus, along the Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia.
Unpublished Reference “Eco-ethology of Proboscis monkeys, Nasalis larvatus, along the Kinabatangan River, in Sabah, Borneo”
Article Reference A global database for metacommunity ecology: integrating species, traits, environment and space
Article Reference Preface : Emerging Trends in Aquatic Ecology III
Article Reference Are Cardinium infections causing asexuality in non-marine ostracods?
Article Reference Paleogenetic approach in tsunami deposit studies. In: Engel, M., Pilarczyk, J., May, S.M., Brill, D., Garrett, E. (eds.), Geological records of tsunamis and other extreme waves.
Article Reference The avifauna, conservation and biogeography of the Njesi Highlands in northern Mozambique, with a review of the country’s Afromontane birdlife
Article Reference Rapid defaunation of terrestrial mammals in a protected Neotropical cloud forest remnant
Article Reference A comparison between active and passive communities of Ostracoda (Crustacea) in a tropical temporary lake


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