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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Neurogenomic Profiling Reveals Distinct Gene Expression Profiles between Brain Parts that are Consistent in Ophthalmotilapia Cichlids
Article Reference Verstedelijking en biodiversiteit door een ecologische en evolutionaire bril
Article Reference Verstedelijking verandert faunagemeenschappen
Article Reference Parasitisme en symbiose wat verandert er in de stad
Article Reference Preliminary Inventory of Bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in three protectd Areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Article Reference Preliminary Inventory of Squirrels (Sciuridae, Rodentia) of Kisangani Region in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Article Reference Craniodental ecomorphology of the large Jurassic ichthyosaurian Temnodontosaurus
Inbook Reference The first record of the genus Trichogomphus Burmeister from Nepal, and a checklist of Nepalese Dynastinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Article Reference Editorial. Two urgent topics: climate change and biodiversity loss
Article Reference A masculinizing supergene underlies an exaggerated male reproductive morph in a spider
Article Reference Revision of the morphology, phylogenetic relationships, behaviour and diversity of the Iberian and Italian ant-like Tachydromia Meigen, 1803 (Diptera: Hybotidae)
Article Reference A new species of the genus Stilpon Loew, 1859 from Morocco (Diptera: Empidoidea, Hybotidae)
Article Reference First record of the daggerfly Tachypeza yinyang Papp & Földvári in Croatia (Insecta: Diptera, Hybotidae)
Article Reference High endemicity in aquatic dance flies of Corsica, France (Diptera, Empididae, Clinocerinae and Hemerodromiinae), with the description of a new species of Chelipoda
Article Reference Notes on species of Hybos Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Hong Kong
Article Reference Selected Diptera of City Park Kolmanka, Prešov (Slovakia)
Article Reference New and interesting records of Diptera on glacial sand deposits in Silesia (NE Czech Republic). Part 2 – Brachycera except for Schizophora
Techreport Reference Een biodiversiteitsaudit voor het Bos t’Ename na een Alle Taxa Biodiversiteit Inventarisatie en 30 jaar natuurbeheer
Article Reference Some sawfly larvae survive predator-prey interactions with pentatomid Picromerus bidens
Article Reference Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic anomalies in pore waters suggesting clay mineral dehydration at gas hydrate-bearing Kedr mud volcano, southern Lake Baikal, Russia
A multibeam echosounder survey was conducted (deeper than ca. 300 m water depth, total area: ca. 1.8×103 km2) in the southern basin of Lake Baikal, Russia, in June 2015, 2016, and 2017. Characteristic morphology of the lake floor was mapped on the ancient Tankhoy stratum, covered with present sediment, by high-resolution bathymetry. Sediment core sampling operations were conducted in August 2015 and August 2016 at a characteristic mound-like landform named Kedr (after the Kedrovaya River). Sub-surface gas hydrates (GH), containing not only microbial but also thermogenic gases (Hachikubo et al. 2016), were retrieved. Core lithology and sub-bottom profiler survey suggest that Kedr is a mud volcano (MV). Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic anomalies were observed in the sediment pore waters. This suggests the water results from clay mineral dehydration, which is the first observation of this process in Lake Baikal sediment pore water. The thermogenic gases, mud breccia, and water from clay mineral dehydration suggest potential ascending gas as well as water from greater depths, presumably from the ancient Tankhoy stratum under the Kedr MV.


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