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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference patternize: An R package for quantifying colour pattern variation
Article Reference Limited possibilities for prezygotic barriers in the reproductive behaviour of sympatric Ophthalmotilapia species (Teleostei, Cichlidae)
Proceedings Reference Congress Acts of the International Conference “Roman Ornamental Stones in North-Western Europe. Natural resources, Manufacturing, Supply, Life and After-Life".
Article Reference Diversity and Population Dynamics of Small Mammals within Nigeria, with emphasis on Reservoirs of the Lassa Virus
Article Reference Modifications du paysage et possibilité d'activités humaines pendent l'Holocène dans la plaine maritime belge.
Inproceedings Reference Policy combinations to navigate between private and public monopolies in emerging technological sectors
Finance is one of the main critical issues for the development of a low carbon society especially during times of economic recession. Closing this green investment gap will require policy intervention. This paper is part of a larger research project – the ALPI project – which aims at analysing and designing relevant instruments to accelerate the transition towards a low carbon society. As a showcase of emerging technologies in Belgium, the Hasselt University, the University of Liège and the Geological Survey of Belgium are investigating the regional potential for geothermal electricity production. Deep geothermal energy appears to be currently on the edge of a take-off. But the actual emergence of this technology is subject to developments in legislation and incentives from regional governments. Different risk/return expectations across stages of the investment continuum exist and the financial structures that are employed at each stage may require different types of public support. Considering the particularities of the development of geothermal energy in Belgium, we present different combinations of incentives to support geothermal energy, and we review different sector evolutions through a broad stakeholder consultation (policy makers, sector federations, industry, researchers, banking sector, investors, etc.). However, a reviewof the learning effects shows that neither of the two combinations can prevent a regional monopolisation of the underground as a natural resource either by a private first-mover, or a public investor. Therefore, intermediary solutions are proposed to providea balance between the two extremes, and to ensure an improved sector growth and a continuous open market. Keywords: Technological innovation, Policy instruments, Competition, Combination of policies
Book Reference Holger SCHAAFF, Antike Tuffbergwerke am Laacher See-Vulkan. Mit einem Beitrag von Lutz Grunwald. Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralsmuseums Band 107 / Vulkan-Forschungen. Untersuchungen zur Landschafts- und Kulturgeschichte Band 11.
Article Reference Legrand, Robert (1917-1986)
Article Reference Graulich, Jean-Marie (1920-2001)
Article Reference Ballasting the Hanse. Baltoscandian Erratic Cobbles in the Later Medieval Port Landscape of Bruges.
Article Reference Bonobo nest site selection and the importance of predictor scales in primate ecology.
Webpublished Reference Lithostratigraphy Ieper Group
Inproceedings Reference A climatic change at the Danian/Selandian boundary: increasing weathering fluxes
Inproceedings Reference Bedrock ballast stones in Flanders: first evidence for the presence of Baltic glacial erratic boulders and their historical re-use in Belgium
Inproceedings Reference Black, grey and red Belgian marbles: varieties, provenances and Roman uses
Inbook Reference La ou les pierres bleues? & La géologie du marbre noir
Inproceedings Reference ALPI: impact of policy instruments on the development of the geothermal energy sector
Inproceedings Reference Thermal characterisation of the Brabant Massif for shallow geothermal applications (BeTemper and BruGeoTherMap projects)
Inproceedings Reference The application of stone as a building of decorative material in Roman and medieval Tongeren. A geological-historical walking tour intra muros
Article Reference Querns and mills during Roman times at the northern frontier of the Roman Empire (Belgium, Northern France, Southern Netherlands, Western Germany): unravelling geological and geographical provenances, a multidisciplinary approach


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