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Bibliographic References

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 26 references in this bibliography folder.

Cherbonnier, G (1965).
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(11):3-24.

Stubbings, HG (1963).
Cirripedia of the tropical South Atlantic coast of Africa
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(10):3-39.

Cherbonnier, G (1962).
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(8):3-24.

Furnestin, M (1962).
Chaetognathes des côtes africaines (Campagnes belges du "Mercator" et du "Noordende III")
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(9):3-54.

Godeaux, J (1962).
Tuniciers pélagiques
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(7):3-32.

Capart, A (1959).
Copépodes parasites
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(5(2)):57-126.

Chace, F (1959).
Porcellanid crabs
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(5(1)):3-54.

Cherbonnier, G (1959).
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(6(2)):37-59.

Jeldes, F and Lefevere, S (1959).
Annélides polychètes non pélagiques - Seconde note: Polychètes sédentaires
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., IV(5):3-40.

Kramp, PL (1959).
Medusae mainly from the West Coast of Africa
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(6(1)):3-33.

Poll, M (1959).
Poissons - V. Téléostéens acanthoptérygiens (Deuxième partie)
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., IV(3B):3-417.

Kufferath, H (1956).
Algues et protistes du fleuve Congo dans le Bas-Congo et de son estuaire - Première et deuxième partie
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., V(1):3-75.

Forest, J (1955).
Crustacés décapodes pagurides
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(4(3)):23-147.

Leloup, E (1955).
Larve de Cérianthaire sphaeranthula straeleni g. nov., sp. nov.
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(4(1)):3-7.

Leloup, E (1955).
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(4(2)):11-19.

Tixier-Durivault, A (1955).
Alcyonaires atlantiques intertropicaux
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(4(5)):199-246.

White, K (1955).
Some opisthobranchs from West Africa
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(4(4)):163-195.

Poll, M (1954).
Poissons - IV. Téléostéens acanthoptérygiens (Première partie)
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., IV(3A):3-390.

Fauvel, P (1953).
Annélides polychètes non pélagiques
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., IV(4):3-56.

Poll, M (1953).
Poissons - III. Téléostéens malacoptérygiens
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., IV(2):3-258.

Adam, W (1952).
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(3):3-142.

Holthuis, L (1952).
Crustacés décapodes macrures
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(2):3-88.

Capart, A (1951).
Crustacés décapodes, brachyures
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(1(2)):13-205.

Capart, A (1951).
Liste des stations
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., I(Annexe):3-65.

Fage, L (1951).
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., III(1(1)):3-10.

van Goethem, C (1951).
Etude physique et chimique du milieu marin
Bulletin of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Scientific results of the Belgian oceanographic expedition in African coastal waters of the South Atlantic (1948-1949)., II(1):3-151.

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