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You are here: Home / RBINS Publications / Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium / Bibliographic references / Sedimentologische beschrijving en interpretatie van Pleistocene afzettingen in ongeroerde boringen van de westelijke kustvlakte

Frieda Bogemans (2014)

Sedimentologische beschrijving en interpretatie van Pleistocene afzettingen in ongeroerde boringen van de westelijke kustvlakte

Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 2014/01 - 317.

Sedimentological description and interpretation of Pleistocene deposits in cored boreholes from the western coastal plain (Belgium). Pleistocene deposits traversed in coreholes are described on basis of a series of lithofacies introduced in the framework of the project “Updating the Quaternary database of the Belgian Geological Survey”. In addition, a reconstruction of the succeeding Pleistocene palaeo-environments is made for every corehole.

55 paginas, 3 figuren, 11 tabellen

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