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You are here: Home / RBINS Publications / Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium / Bibliographic references / 4th International Meeting of Anthracology, Brussels, 8-13 September 2008. Charcoal and microcharcoal: Continental and Marine Records. Programme and Abstracts

F Damblon and M Court-Picon (2008)

4th International Meeting of Anthracology, Brussels, 8-13 September 2008. Charcoal and microcharcoal: Continental and Marine Records. Programme and Abstracts

Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. 2008/01 - 303.

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Âge des Métaux, palaeoecology, Archéologie : Préhistoire, Archaeobotany;Human impact;Land use;Prehistory;Vegetation history;Wood charcoal analysis, palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, Anthropogenic impact, woodland; biodiversity; historical ecology; deforestation events; woodland area; wood exploitation; archaeology; habitat fragmentation; ground beetles (Carabidae); ancient woodland; indicators; dispersal power; population genetics; Abax ater; region of Flanders, C14
192 pag., fig.

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