Miscellanous publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 32 references in this bibliography folder.
Speight, M
Conclusions and recommendations EIS meeting / Brussels Colloquium September, 1991.
Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation - Proceedings of the 8th international Colloqium of the European Invertebrate Survey:243-246.
Speight, M
Distribution data, threat categories and site evaluation.
Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation - Proceedings of the 8th international Colloqium of the European Invertebrate Survey:7-21.
Taymans, C, De Bast, B, Verstraeten, C, Baguette, M, and Goffart, P
Mise à jour de la cartographie des Rhopalocères de la Belgique: genre Pyrgus HUBNER, 1819 (Lepidoptera, Hesperidae).
Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation - Proceedings of the 8th international Colloqium of the European Invertebrate Survey:173-176.
Van Goethem, J
A current state of knowledge on the taxonomy and distribution of non-marine molluscs in Belgium.
Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation - Proceedings of the 8th international Colloqium of the European Invertebrate Survey:189-194.
Van Goethem, J
Opening address.
Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation - Proceedings of the 8th international Colloqium of the European Invertebrate Survey:5-6.
Veling, L and van Swaay, C
How to achieve more with butterfly inventory data.
Faunal inventories of sites for cartography and nature conservation - Proceedings of the 8th international Colloqium of the European Invertebrate Survey:153-157.
Van Goethem, J
Openingstoespraak door de voorzitter van het Symposium - Discours d'ouverture par le président du Symposium
Invertebraten van Begië - Invertébrés de Belgique:7-8.
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