Cover / Couverture / Omslag 
Baert, L., Maelfait, J.P. & Hendrickx, F. 2008.
The wolf spiders (Araneae, lycosidae) from the Galapagos Archipelago.
Bull. 78: 5-37
Baert, L., Maelfait, J.P., Hendrickx, F. & Desender, K. 2008.
Distribution and habitat preference of the spiders (Araneae) of Galapagos.
Bull. 78: 39-111
Desender, K., Deconinck, W. & Maes, D. 2008.
An updated list of the ground and tiger beetles (Coleoptera, carabidae) in Flanders (Belgium).
Bull. 78: 113-131
Faucheux, M.J. & Gibbs, G.W. 2008.
Antennal sensilla in the endemic New Zealand moth family Mnesarchaeidae: morphology and phylogenetic implications (Mnesarchacoidea).
Bull. 78: 133-143
Medvedev, L. 2008.
African Clytrinae (Coleoptera, chrysomelidae) in the collection of the Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique.
Bull. 78: 145-153
Mironov, S.V. & Wauthy, G. 2008.
A systematic review of the feather mite genus Pteroherpus Gaud, 1981 (Astigmata: Pteronyssidae).
Bull. 78: 155-200
Pace, R. 2008.
Nouvelles aleocharinae de Chine, Cambodge et Thailande (Coleoptera, staphylinidae).
Bull. 78: 201-209
Pauly, A. 2008.
Révision du genre Nomia sensu stricto Latreille, 1804 et désignation du lectotype de l'espèce-type Nomia curvipes Fabricius 1793, non 1781 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae).
Bull. 78: 211-223
Tian, M-Y. & deuve, T. 2008.
Key to species of the genus Orthogonius Macleay of Cambodia, with descriptions of four new species (Coleoptera: caraboidea: orthogoniini).
Bull. 78: 225-230
Tshernyshev, S.E. 2008.
A revision of the genus Protocollops Evers, 1991 (Coleoptera, Malachiidae).
Bull. 78: 231-249
Wang, M., Yang, D. & Grootaert, P. 2008.
New species of dolichopodidae (Diptera) from China.
Bull. 78: 251-257
Zhang, L., Yang, D. & Grootaert, P. 2008.
New species of Hercostomus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from China.
Bull. 78: 259-274
Grootaert, P. & Grichanov, I.Y. 2008.
A first record of Cymatopus (Diptera: dolichopodidae) from madagascar with the description of a new species.
Bull. 78: 275-278
Medvedev, L. 2008.
New and poorly Clytrinae and cryptocephalinae (Coleoptera, crysomelidae) from the Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique.
Bull. 78: 279-283