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Drugmand, D. & Wauthy, G. 1992.
Eléments de morphologie descriptive de l'exo- et de l'endosquelette des Cryptobiina afrotropicaux (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae,Paederinae).
Bull. 62: 5-31
Oliva, A. 1992.
Cuticular microstructure in some genera of Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) and their phylogenetic signifiance.
Bull. 62: 33-56
Desender, K., Baert, L. & Maelfait, J.-P. 1992.
Distribution and speciation of carabid beetles in the Galapagos Archipelago (Ecuador).
Bull. 62: 57-65
Desender, K., Baert, L. & Maelfait, J.-P. 1992.
El Nino - events and the establishment of ground beetles in the Galapagos Archipelago.
Bull. 62: 67-74
Logunov, D.V. 1992.
Defintion of the spider genus Talavera (Araneae, Salticidae), with a description of a new species.
Bull. 62: 75-82
Dessart, P. 1992.
Revision d'Aphanogmus fulmeki Szelènyi, 1940 (Hymenoptera, Ceraphronoidea, Ceraphronidae) avec remarques biologiques.
Bull. 62: 83-91
De Meyer, M. 1992.
Description of new Cephalops species (Pipunculidae, Diptera) from the Oriental Region.
Bull. 62: 93-99
Kozanek, M. & De Meyer, M. 1992.
A new Cephalops Fallen, 1810 species from North Korea (Diptera, Pipunculidae).
Bull. 62: 101-103
Fain, A. 1992.
A new larval trombidiid, Paputrombidium grootaerti n. g. and n. sp. (Acari, Trombidiidae), parasitic on Cymatopus spp. (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea*.
Bull. 62: 105-108
Fain, A. 1992.
Notes on mites associated with Myriapoda V. The genus Scissuralaelaps Womersley, 1945 (Acari, Mesostigmata). Description of four new species from New Guinea.
Bull. 62: 109-116
Fain, A. 1992.
Notes on the flower mites of the genus Rhinoseius Baker and Yunker, 1964 (Acari: Ascidae), phoretic in the nares of hummingbirds with a key to the known species.
Bull. 62: 117-136
Fain, A. 1992.
Two new genera and species of larval Trombidiinae (Acari, Prostigmata) from a Carrion-Beetle (Coleoptera, Silphidae) from Belgium.
Bull. 62: 137-142
Baert, L., Desender, K. & Peck, S.B. 1992.
New data on the Neuroptera of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.
Bull. 62: 143-147