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Jagt-Yazykova, E.A. 2008.
Annie V. Dhondt Memorial Volume - Introduction.
pdf_small Bull78: 5-8

Van Viersen, A.P. & Prescher, H.  2008.
Devonian Proetidae (Trilobita) from the Ardennes Massif (Belgium, N France) and the Eifel Hills (W Germany).
pdf_small Bull78: 9-29

Coen-Aubert, M.  2008.
Fasciculate Disphyllids (Rugosa) from the Early Givetian Trois-Fontaines Formation in Belgium.
pdf_small Bull. 78: 31-50

Casier, J.-G. & Olempska, E.  2008.
Middle Frasnian (Devonian) ostracods from the Frasnes railway section (Dinant Synclinorium, Belgium); taxonomy, biostratigraphy, paleoecology.
pdf_small Bull78: 51-66

Sartenaer, P.  2008.
Parallelepipedorhynchus castellum, a new late Frasnian rhynchonellid brachiopod species from Trélon (Dinant Basin, France).
pdf_small Bull. 78: 67-73

Nikishin, A.M., Alekseev, A.S., Baraboshkin, E.J., Kopaevich, L.F., Gabdullin, R.R. & Badulina, N.V. 2008. 
The Cretaceous history of the Bakhchisaray area, southern Crimea (Ukraine).
pdf_small Bull. 78: 75-85

Vishnevskaya, V.S. & Kopaevich, L.F. 2008. 
Development of radiolarians and planktonic foraminifera across some Cretaceous stage boundaries.
pdf_small Bull78: 87-115

Kennedy, W.J., King, C. & Ward, D.J.  2008.
The upper Albian and lower Cenomanian succession at Kolbay, eastern Mangyshlak (southwest Kazakhstan).
pdf_small Bull78: 117-147

Kennedy, W.J., Gale, A.S., Ward, D.J. & Underwood, C.J. 2008.
Early Turonian ammonites from Goulmima, southern Morocco.
pdf_small Bull. 78: 149-177

Klinger, H.C. & Kennedy, W.J. 2008.
Mkuzeiella andersoni gen. et sp. nov. (Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea) from the Albian Mzinene Formation of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
pdf_small Bull. 78: 179-191

Fraaije, R.H.B., Van Bakel, B.W.M., Jagt, J.W.M. & Artal, P.  2008.
New decapod crustaceans (Anomura, Brachyura) from mid-Cretaceous reefal deposits at Monte Orobe (Navarra, northern Spain), and comments on related type-Maastrichtian material.
pdf_small Bull. 78: 193-208

Taverne, L.  2008.
Considerations about the Late Cretaceous genus Chirocentrites and erection of the new genus Heckelichthys (Teleostei, Ichtyodectiformes) - A new visit inside the ichthyodectid phylogeny.
pdf_small Bull. 78: 209-228

Walaszczyk, I., Cobban, W.A., Wood, C.J. &Kin, A. 2008. 
The "Inoceramus" azerbaydjanensis fauna (Bivalvia) and its value for chronostratigraphic calibration of the European Campanian (Upper Cretaceous).
pdf_small Bull. 78: 229-238

Nolf, D., Rana, R.S. & Prasad, G.V.R.  2008.
Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) fish otoliths from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds, India: a revision.
pdf_small Bull. 78: 239-259

Machalski, M., Jagt, J.W.M. & Dubicka, Z.  2008.
Additional records of scaphitid ammonites from the basal upper Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of eastern Poland.
pdf_small Bull. 78: 261-268

Gaudant, J. & Smith, R.  2008.
Des dents de poissons Characiformes dans l'Eocène basal de Dormaal (niveau proche de la limite Paléocène-Eocène, Brabant flamand,Belgique).
pdf_small Bull78: 269-275

Lambert, O.  2008.
Sperm whales from the Miocene of the North Sea: a re-appraisal.
pdf_small Bull. 78: 277-316

Lewy, Z.  2008.
Distinguishing trace fossils and similar-shaped body fossils using sedimentological criteria - an example from the Miocene of New Zealand.
pdf_small Bull78: 317-324