Cover / Couverture / Omslag
Herman, J., Hovestadt-Euler, M., Hovestadt, D.C. & Stehmann, M. 2002.
Contributions to the study of the comparative morphology of teeth and other relevant ichthyodorulites in living subraspecific taxa of Chondrichthyan fishes. Part B: Batomorphii 4: Order Torpediniformes - Family Narcinidae - Subfamily Narcininae - Genera: Benthobatis, Diplobatis, Discopyge and Narcine, Subfamily Narkinae - Genera: Bengalichthys, Crassinarke, Heteronarce, Narke, Temera, and Typhlonarke, Family Torpedinidae - Subfamily Torpedininae - Genus: Torpedo - Subgenus: T.(Tetronarke) and T. (Torpedo) and Subfamily Hypninae - Genus: Hypnos.
Bull. 72: 5-45
Pauwels, O.S.G., Kamdem Toham, A. & Chimsunchart, C. 2002.
Recherches sur l’herpétofaune du Massif du Chaillu, Gabon.
Bull .72: 47-57
Pauwels, O.S.G., Kamdem Toham, A. & Chimsunchart, C. 2002.
Recherches sur l’herpétofaune des Monts de Cristal, Gabon.
Bull .72: 59-66
Massin, Cl., Norro, A. & Mallefet, J. 2002.
Biodiversity of a wreck from the Belgian Continental Shelf: monitoring using scientific diving. Preliminary results.
Bull. 72: 67-72
Massin, C., Zulfigar, Y., Tan Shau Hwai, A. & Rizal Boss, S.Z. 2002.
The genus Stichopus (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from the Johore Marine Park (Malaysia) with the description if two new species.
Bull. 72: 73-99
Botosaneanu, L. & Iliffe, T.M. 2002.
Stygobitic isopod crustaceans, already described or new, from Bermuda, the Bahamas, and Mexico.
Bull. 72: 101-111
Botosaneanu, L. & Iliffe, T.M. 2002.
Notes on the intraspecific variability of Cirolanides texensis Benedict, 1896 (Isopoda: Cirolanidae) from Texas and Mexico.
Bull. 72: 113-117
Wouters, K. 2002.
On the distribution of alien non-marine and estuarine macro-crustaceans in Belgium.
Bull. 72: 119-129
Wouters, K. 2002.
On the distribution of Cyprideis torosa (Jones) (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in Africa, with the discussion of a new record from the Seychelles.
Bull. 72: 131-140
Verheyen, W., Hulselmans, J.L.J., Dierckx, T. & Verheyen, E. 2002.
The Lophuromys flavopunctatus Thomas 1888 s.l. species complex: a craniometric study, with the description and genetic characterization of two new species (Rodentia - Muridae - Africa).
Bull. 72: 141-182
Sleurs, W.J.M. & Van Goethem, J.L. 2002.
A new Indo-Pacific Zebina species (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rissoidae).
Bull. 72: 183-187
Rour, E., Chahlaoui, A. & Van Goethem, J.L. 2002.
Etat actuel des connaissances de la malacofaune terrestre du Maroc.
Bull. 72: 189-198