Cover / Couverture / Omslag 
Herman, J., Hovestadt-Euler, M., Hovestadt, D.C. & Stehmann, M. 2001.
Contributions to the study of the comparative morphology of theeth and other relevant ichtyodorulites in living supraspecific taxa of Chondrichthyan fishes. Part C: Superorder Holocephali 1: Order Chimaeriformes - Suborder Chimaeroidei - Family Callorhynchidae - Subfamily Callorhynchinae - Genus: Callorhinchus, Family Chimaeridae - Genera: Chimaera and Hydrolagus, Family Rhinochimaeridae - Genera: Harriotta, Neoharriotta, and Rhinochimaera.
Bull. 71: 5-35
d'Udekem d'Acoz, C. 2001.
Redescription of Hippolyte australiensis (Stimpson, 1860) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea).
Bull. 71: 37-44
De Grave, S. 2001.
Caridean shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Hansa Bay, Papua New Guinea: Bresiliidae, Hippolytidae, Pandalidae, Pasiphaeidae, Processidae, Rhynchocinetidae, Stylodactylidae and Thalassocarididae.
Bull. 71: 45-52
Suarez-Morales, E. 2001.
Redescription of two Cymbasoma (Copepoda: Monstrilloida) collected during the Siboga Expedition (1899-1900).
Bull. 71: 53-64
Suarez-Morales, E. & Dias, C. 2001.
Taxonomic report of some monstrilloids (Copepoda : Monstrilloida) from Brazil with description of four new species.
Bull. 71: 65-81
Mirabdullayev, I.M & Fiers, F. 2001.
Redescription of two Iranian Cyclopoids: Thermocyclops tinctus Lindberg, 1936 and Th. hyalinus persicus Lindberg, 1936 (Copepoda, Cyclopidae).
Bull. 71: 83-92
Karanovic, I. 2001.
Meischcandona gen. nov. from Africa, with a key to the genera of the subfamily Candoninae (Crustacea, Ostracoda).
Bull. 71: 93-99
Wouters, K. 2001.
On the genera Dolerocypria and Hansacypris (Crustacea, Ostracoda), with the description of three new species from Papua New Guinea.
Bull. 71: 101-112
d'Udekem d'Acoz, C. 2001.
Description of Gnathophylleptum tellei gen. nov., sp. nov., a remarkable new gnathophyllid shrimp from canary Islands (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea).
Bull. 71: 113-125
Silva, C.M.M. & Volkmer-Ribeiro, C. 2001.
Key to the Ethiopian species of the genus Metania Gray, 1867 (Porifera, Metaniidae), with redescription of Metania rhodesiana and M. godeauxi, comb. n.
Bull. 71: 127-138
Pastor de Ward, C.T. 2001.
A new nematode from West Patagonian coasts, Biarmifer madrynensis sp.n., with a redefinition of the genus Biarmifer Wieser 1954 (Nematoda, Cyatholaimidae).
Bull. 71: 139-149
Van Bruggen, A.C. & Van Goethem, J.L. 2001.
Prolegomena for a checklist of the terrestrial molluscs of the Upemba National Park, Katanga, D.R. Congo.
Bull. 71: 151-168