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Bibliographic References

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 47 references in this bibliography folder.

Grootaert, P, Pollet, M, Dekoninck, W, and van Achterberg, C (2010).
Chapter 15. Sampling insects: general techniques, strategies and remarks.
ABC TAXA, 8:377-399.

Hoffmann, A, Decher, J, Rovero, F, Schaer, J, Voigt, C, and Wibbelt, G (2010).
Chapter 19. Field Methods and Techniques for Monitoring Mammals.
ABC TAXA, 8:482-529.

Häuser, CL, Degreef, J, Eekhout, X, Eymann, J, Monje, JC, Riede, K, VandenSpiegel, D, Van Goethem, J, and Samyn, Y (2010).
Chapter 1. Background and aim of this manual.
ABC TAXA, 8:1-4.

Krogmann, L and Holstein, J (2010).
Chapter 18. Preserving and Specimen Handling: Insects and other Invertebrates.
ABC TAXA, 8:463-481.

Kroupa, A and Remsen, D (2010).
Chapter 4. Individual records and the associated data: information standards and protocols.
ABC TAXA, 8:49-67.

Leponce, M, Meyer, C, Häuser, C, Bouchet, P, Delabie, J, Weigt, L, and Basset, Y (2010).
Chapter 3. Challenges and solutions for planning and implementing large-scale biotic inventories.
ABC TAXA, 8:18-48.

Neumann, D (2010).
Chapter 22. Preservation of freshwater fishes in the field.
ABC TAXA, 8:633-653.

Obrist, MK, Pavan, G, Sueur, J, Riede, K, Llusia, D, and Marquez, R (2010).
Chapter 5. Bioaccoustics approaches in biodiversity inventories.
ABC TAXA, 8:68-99.

Papp, B, Vanderpoorten, A, and Gradstein, R (2010).
Chapter 13. Sampling of bryophytes.
ABC TAXA, 8:331-345.

Rovero, F, Tobler, M, and Sanderson, J (2010).
Chapter 6. Camera-trapping for inventorying terrestrial vertebrates.
ABC TAXA, 8:100-128.

Steiner, A and Häuser, CL (2010).
Chapter 16. Light traps for insects.
ABC TAXA, 8:400-422.

Templado, J, Paulay, G, Gittenberger, A, and Meyer, C (2010).
Chapter 11. Sampling the Marine Realm.
ABC TAXA, 8:273-307.

Tillier, S, Häuser, CL, Hoffmann, A, Monje, C, Lancelot, G, Eymann, J, and Kroupa, A (2010).
Chapter 2. EDIT and the ATBI+M concept with experiences from pilot sites.
ABC TAXA, 8:5-17.

van Achterberg, K, Grootaert, P, and Shaw, MR (2010).
Chapter 17. Flight interception traps for arthropods.
ABC TAXA, 8:423-462.

Woog, F, Renner, SC, and Fjeldsa, J (2010).
Chapter 21. Tips for birds surveys and censuses in countries without existing monitori schemes.
ABC TAXA, 8:558-586.

Zippel, E, Wilhalm, T, and Thiel-Egenter, C (2010).
Chapter 14. Methods for sampling higher plants.
ABC TAXA, 8:346-376.

Coppejans, E, Leliaert, F, Dargent, O, Gunasekara, R, and De Clerck, O (2009).
Sri Lankan Seaweeds - Methodologies and field guide to the dominant species
ABC TAXA, 6:1-265.

Kok, PJ and Kalamandeen, M (2008).
Introduction to the taxonomy of the amphibians of Kaieteur National Park, Guyana
ABC TAXA, 5:1-278.

de Moraes, PL (2007).
Taxonomy of Cryptocarya species of Brazil
ABC TAXA, 3:1-191.

De Prins, R and Rour, E (2007).
Détérioration des collections de coquilles
ABC TAXA, 2:1-60.

Diaz, LM and Cadiz, A (2007).
Guia taxonomica de los anfibios de Cuba
ABC TAXA, 4:1-294.

Samyn, Y, Vandenspiegel, D, and Massin, C (2006).
Taxonomie des holothuries des Comores
ABC TAXA, 1:1-130.

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