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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Deforce, K (2014).
Sélection de charbon de bois pour datation radiocarbone Villers-le-Bouillet – le Marais
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Technical report for the Walloon Region.

Deforce, K, Allemeersch, L, Stieperaere, H, and Haneca, K (2014).
Tracking ancient ship routes through the analysis of caulking material from shipwrecks? The case study of two 14th century cogs from Doel (northern Belgium).
Journal of Archaeological Science, 43:299-314.

Deforce, K, Bastiaens, J, and Crombé, P (2014).
A reconstruction of middle Holocene alluvial hardwood forests (Lower Scheldt River, northern Belgium) and their exploitation during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition period (Swifterbant Culture, ca. 4500 – 4000 BC).
Quaternaire, 25(1):9-21.

Deforce, K, Pigière, F, Polet, C, Cerezo-Román, J, Hanut, F, Udrescu, M, and Van Neer, W (2014).
Etudes bioarchéologiques de la nécropole à incinération romaine de Messancy (Prov. De Luxembourg)
Signa, 3:75-76.

Deforce, K, Storme, A, Bastiaens, J, Debruyne, S, Denys, L, Ervynck, A, Meylemans, E, Stieperaere, H, Van Neer, W, and Crombé, P (2014).
Middle-Holocene alluvial forests and associated fluvial environments: A multi-proxy reconstruction from the lower Scheldt, N Belgium
The Holocene, 24:1550– 1564.

Degraer, S, Brabant, R, and Rumes, B (2014).
Offshore wind in the Belgian part of the North Sea : Understanding environmental impacts. Poster. 2nd International Conference on Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies (EIMR2014), Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides.

Degraer, S, Brabant, R, and Rumes, B (2014).
Offshore wind in the Belgian part of the North Sea : Understanding environmental Offshore 2014. Conference Proceedings
EIMR Offshore 2014 (EIMR2014-091).

DEJONGHE, L (2014).
In: Plomb'hier a bonnes mines, ed. by M. Simons. ASBL Espace Culture-Plombières, 7 place communale, 4850 Montzen, chap. 0, pp. 5-7.

Dekoninck, W, Brecko, J, Grootaert, P, and Semal, P (2014).
Formicidae type specimens of Jean Bondroit stored at RBINS.
Abstractbook 5the Symposium Entomology in Belgium organized by RBINS and RBES, 28/11/2014, p 26.

Dekoninck, W, Fernandez, F, Herrera, HW, Wauters, N, Brito, G, Jumbo, L, Marin-Armijos, D, and Delsinne, T (2014).
Results of ant collections on Santa Cruz Island within the framework of the 2012 Global Taxonomy Initiative Ant Course at Galapagos (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Bulletin de la Société royal d'Entomologie, 150:250-255.

Results of ant collections on Santa Cruz Island within the framework of the 2012 Global Taxonomy Initiative Ant Course at Galápagos (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie / Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, 150: 250-255.

Dekoninck, W, Maebe, K, Peter, B, and Hendrickx, F (2014).
Polygyny and strong genetic structuring within an isolated population of the wood ant Formica rufa.
Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 41:95-111.

Delerue-Ricard, S, Coscia, I, Barbut, L, Lacroix, G, Vanden Bavière, A, Robbens, J, and Volckaert, FA (2014).
Assessing connectivity in young flatfish and its implementation in fisheries management.
In: Book of abstracts. VLIZ young marine scientists' day. Brugge, 7 March 2014, pp. 44. VLIZ Special publication 67.

Delerue-Ricard, S, Coscia, I, Barbut, L, Vanden Bavière, A, Lacroix, G, Robbens, J, and Volckaert, FA (2014).
Assessing connectivity in young flatfish and its implementation in fisheries management.
In: 47th Population Genetics group Meeting (PopGen47), Bath (UK), 7-10 January 2014.

Delfino, M, Martin, JE, Rose, KD, Sahni, A, Kumar, K, and Smith, T (2014).
A ziphodont crocodylomorph from the Eraly Eocene of Vastan Lignite Mine (Gujarat, India)
In: XII Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists Torino, Italy 24-28 June 2014, ed. by Massimo Delfino, Giorgio Carnevale, Simone Colombero, Daniele Ormezzano, Giulio Pavia, Marco Pavia & Giovanni Repetto, vol. Abstract Book, pp. 49, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra - Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra - Università degli Studi di Torino.

Demelenne, M, Jadin, I, Collette, O, Damblon, F, and Herman, M (2014).
Étudier l'invisible. Un fossé de l'âge du Bronze moyen à Havay-Givry
In: Trésor ? / Trésor ! Archéologie au coeur de l'Europe, ed. by Demelenne Marie, Docquier Gilles. Éditions Safran, Bruxelles, chap. II, 2, pp. 192-203, 312. (ISBN: 978-2-87457-073-5).

Denayer, J, Fischer, V, and Mottequin, B (2014).
Rediscovery of the forgotten de Ryckholt Collection (gastropods, bivalves, worms; Late Cretaceous, Belgium)
Cretaceous Research, 47:66-71.

Depestele, J, Courtens, W, Degraer, S, Haelters, J, Hostens, K, Leopold, M, Pinn, E, Merckx, B, Polet, H, Rabaut, M, Reiss, H, Stienen, E, Vandendriessche, S, Volckaert, FA, and Vincx, M (2014).
Sensitivity assessment as a tool for spatial and temporal gear-based fisheries management
Ocean & Coastal Management, 102:149-160.

Depoorter, S, Jacques, D, Piessens, K, Muchez, P, and Sintubin, M (2014).
The Mousny massive quartz occurrence – the vestige of a late-orogenic dilational jog in the High-Ardenne slate belt (Belgium)
Geologica Belgica, 17(3-4):293-310.

Deprez, A, Tesseur, S, Stassen, P, D'haenens, S, Steurbaut, E, King, C, Claeys, P, and Speijer, RP (2014).
Benthic foraminiferal and isotopic patterns during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (Aktulagay section, Kazakhstan).
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, 31:58-59.

Deprez, A, Tesseur, S, Stassen, P, D'haenens, S, Steurbaut, E, King, C, Claeys, P, and Speijer, RP (2014).
Benthic foraminiferal and isotopic patterns during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (Aktulagay section, Kazakhstan).
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, 31:58-59.

Deramaix, I, al., e, Goemaere, E, Defgnée, A, and Pigière, F (2014).
Zone d’activités archéologiques. Quand le développement économique livre des pages inédites de notre histoire….
In: Zone d’activités archéologiques. Quand le développement économique livre des pages inédites de notre histoire…. , ed. by Isabelle Deramaix. Ouvrage publié conjointement par le Service de l’Archéologie du Service public de Wallonie en province de Hainaut et l’Espace gallo-romain d’Ath, chap. 1, pp. 56.

Deru, X, Thiébaux, A, Picavet, P, and Goemaere, E (2014).
La villa des Trois Haies à Heure-le-Tixhe (Diets-Heur, Tongeren). Les sondages de Xavier Debras.
Vie archéologique, 73(Etudes):115-148.

Derycke, C, Olive, S, Groessens, E, and Goujet, D (2014).
Paleogeographical and paleoecological constraints on paleozoic vertebrates (chondrichthyans and placoderms) in the Ardenne Massif: Shark radiations in the Famennian on both sides of the Palaeotethys
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 414:61-67.

Derycke, C, Olive, S, Groessens, E, and Goujet, D (2014).
Palaeogeographical and palaeoecological constraints on palaeozoic vertebrates (chondrichthyans and placoderms) in the Ardenne Massif - Shark radiations in the Famennian on both sides of the Palaeotethys
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 414:61-67.

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