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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Welkenhuysen, K, Meyvis, B, and Piessens, K (2015).
Techno-economic evaluation of CO2-EOR in the North Sea
In: CO2 storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery in the North Sea: Securing a low-carbon future for the UK, ed. by Ball, M., Mann, I. & Sim, G.. Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage, Edinburgh, chap. Economics, pp. 27-30. (ISBN: 978-0-9927483-2-6).

West, R, Vacelet, J, Wood, R, Willenz, P, and Hartman, WD (2015).
Hypercalcified Extant and Fossil Chaetetid-Type and Post-Devonian Stromatoporoid-Type Demospongiae: Systematic Descriptions
In: Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part E. Porifera. Revised. Hypercalcified Porifera, ed. by Webby, B.D., vol. 4, pp. 209-292, The University of Kansas, Paleontological Institute, Lawrence, Kansas.

Wilmet, L, Schwitzer, C, Beudels-Jamar, RC, Sonet, G, Devillers, P, and Vermeulen, C (2015).
Field Data on the Little Known and, Endangered Lepilemur Mittermeieri
Journal of Primatology, 04:130. doi:10.4172/2167-6801.1000130.

Wißing, C, Crevecoeur, I, Germonpré, M, Krause, J, Naito, Y, Posth, C, Rougier, H, Semal, P, and Bocherens, H (2015).
Insight from stable isotopes into the ecology of late Neandertals
In: Hugo Obermaier Conference, pp. 76-77.

Wißing, C, Rougier, H, Crevecoeur, I, Germonpre, M, Naito, YI, Semal, P, and Bocherens, H (2015).
Isotopic evidence for dietary ecology of Late Neandertals in North-Western Europe
Quaternary International, 411:327-345.

Wybouw, N, Zhurov, V, Martel, C, Bruinsma, K, Hendrickx, F, Grbic, V, and Van Leeuwen, T (2015).
Adaptation of a polyphagous herbivore to a novel host plant extensively shapes the transcriptome of herbivore and host
Molecular Ecology, 24(18):4647-4663.

Errera, M and Jadin, I (2014 [2015]).
Analyse spectroradiométrique de quelques pièces néolithiques du Musée archéologique de Mons (Belgique). 1er état, Rapport interne
Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale, Cité de la Préhistoire, Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Tervuren / Orgnac-l’Aven / Bruxelles , 1er état, Rapport interne.

Thiébaux, A and Goemaere, E (2014 (accepté pour publication)).
Étude des pierres à aiguiser provenant de cinq sites gallo-romains de la région des Vallées des Eaux-Vives (Sud-Ouest de la Province de Namur, Belgique).
Archéo-Situla, 32-33:87-96.

Declercq, H, Fontaine, L, Godts, S, Hayen, R, Dusar, M, and De Ceukelaire, M (2014 (2012)).
In: Proceedings of 12th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone .

Abebe, E, Mekete, T, and Decraemer, W (2014).
E-typing for nematodes: an assessment of type specimen use by nematode taxonomists with a summary of types deposited in the Smithsonian Nematode Collection
Nematology, 16:879-888.

Abebe, G, Mengistou, S, Eggermont, H, and Verschuren, D (2014).
Chironomid distribution along a pollution gradient in Ethiopian rivers, and their potential for biological water quality monitoring.
Journal of Aquatic Science, 39:45-56.

Abrams, G, Auguste, P, Bello, S, Gaudzinski-Windheuser, S, Germonpré, M, Kindler, L, Kitagawa, K, Krönneck, P, Münzel, S, Parfitt, S, Smith, G, and van Kolfschoten, T (2014).
The exploitation of faunal resources in north-west Europe: updated review of the main sites
Book of Abstracts, Middle Palaeolithic in North-West Europe: multidisciplinary approaches, Namur 2014:5.

Alvera-Azcarate, A, Ruddick, K, and Minnett, P (2014).
Preface to Liège Colloquium Special Issue. Remote sensing of ocean colour, temperature and salinity - New challenges and opportunities.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 146:1-2.

Amundala Drazo, N, Leirs, H, Verheyen, E, Laudisoit, A, Gambalemoke Mbalitini, S, and Dudu Mirumigu, A (2014).
Biodiversity, reproduction and population structure of Sciuridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Forest Reserves of Yoko, Masako and the locality of Uma (Eastern Province, DR Congo)
In: Abstract Book - 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium, 12-13 December 2014, pp. 108.

Anonymous,, Verheyden, S, Quinif, Y, Hallet, V, Petit, A, and Vankeerberghen, M (2014).
Geopark Calestienne Lesse§Lomme
Booklet, Unesco Geopark application.

Anthony, NM, Atteke, C, Bruford, MW, Dallmeier, F, Freedman, A, Hardy, O, Ibrahim, B, Jeffery, KJ, Johnson, M, Lahm, SA, Lepengue, N, Lowenstein, J, Sullivan, J, Verheyen, E, and Gonder, MK (2014).
Evolution and Conservation of Central African Biodiversity: Priorities for Future Research and Education in the Congo Basin and Gulf of Guinea

Apostolopoulou, M, Monteyne, E, Krikonis, K, Pavlopoulos, K, Roose, P, and Dehairs, F (2014).
Monitoring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Northeast Aegean Sea using Posidonia oceanica seagrass and synthetic passive samplers.
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 87:338-344.

Arbuckle, BS, Whitcher Kansa, S, Kansa, E, Orton, D, Cakirlar, C, Gourichon, L, Atici, L, Galik, A, Marciniak, A, Mulville, J, Buitenhuis, H, Carruthers, D, De Cupere, B, Demirergi, A, Frame, S, Helmer, D, Martin, L, Peters, J, Pöllath, N, Pawloswska, K, Russell, N, Twiss, K, and Würtenberger, D (2014).
Large-scale data sharing provides evidence for westward spread of domestic animals across Neolithic Turkey
PLoS ONE, 9(6):): e99845. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099845.

Armenteros, M, Ruiz-Abierno, A, and Decraemer, W (2014).
Taxonomy of Stilbonematinae (Nematoda: Desmosdoridae): Description of two new and three known species and phylogenetic relationships within the family using DNA Cox1 locus
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 171:1-21.

Armenteros, M, Ruiz-Abierno, A, and Decraemer, W (2014).
Revision of Desmodorinae and Spirininae (Nematoda: Desmodoridae) with redescription of eight known species
European Journal of Taxonomy, 96:1-32.

Armenteros, M, Ruiz-Abierno, A, Derycke, S, Backeljau, T, and Decraemer, W (2014).
Systematics and DNA barcoding of free-living marine nematodes with emphasis on tropical desmodorids using nuclear SSU rDNA and mitochondrial COI sequences.
Nematology, 16:979-999.

Articus-Lepage, K, Balian, E, Eggermont, H, Van der Werf, A, and Vanderhoeven, S (2014).
Conservation research Matters Initiative
Belgian Biodiversity Platform (, Conference report, 42 pp.

Augé, M and Folie, A (2014).
Amphisbaenes (Squamata) du Paléogène européen
In: Journal de l'APF, vol. 66, pp. 20-21, ppal, Association Paleontologique Française.

Aït Boughrous, A and Martin, P (2014).
Oligochètes dulçaquicoles du Maghreb: état de connaissance et clé d'identification
Miscellaneous publication, Université Abdelmalek Essaadi, 3ème colloque international Matériaux, Pollution et Environnement MPE-14, Tanger, 19-20 février 2014, livre des résumés, p. 67.

Baele, J, Decree, S, and Nelis, A (2014).
Cathodoluminescence et microanalyse électronique des phosphates de terres rares (monazite «grise» et xénotime) du Paléozoïque belge
In: RST 2014, Pau, vol. Abstract book, pp. 340.

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