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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Orban, R and Polet, C (1994).
Biologie des populations inhumées dans les grottes du bassin mosan
Rapports d'activité FRFC-IM:81994 (8 p.), 1995 (8 p.), 1996 (12 p.), 1997 (14 p.).

Orban, R, Polet, C, and Wouters, K (1994).
Microwear on human teeth: methodological problems related to the study of two medieval Populations. Abstracts 9th Congress EAA, Copenhagen, August 24-27 1994
International Journal of Anthropology, 9(3):225.

Polet, C (1994).
"Skeletal Biology of Past People: Research methods" par Saunders, R. et Katzenberg, A., Wiley-Liss, New York, 1992
EAA Newsletters, 55:11-12.

Polet, C and Besnard, A (1994).
Trace elements analysis of the historical skeletal remains of Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez (16.18 th C., France). 9th Congress EAA, Copenhagen, August 24-27 1994
International Journal of Anthropology, 9(3):231.

Richelle-Maurer, E, Degoudenne, Y, Dejonghe, L, and Van de Vijver, G (1994).
Utilisation des éponges d'eau douce comme bioindicateurs de la présence de métaux dans l'environnement
Geological Survey of Belgium. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium..

Richelle-Maurer, E, Degoudenne, Y, Van de Vyver, G, and Dejonghe, L (1994).
Some aspects of heavy metal tolerance in freshwater sponges. Proc. 4th int. Porifera Congress, 19-23 April 1993, Amsterdam, Netherlands
In: Sponges in Time and Space, ed. by Van Soest, Van Kempen & Braekman . Balkema, Rotterdam, chap. 0, pp. 351-354.

Richelle-Maurer, E, Degoudenne, Y, Van de Vyver, G, and Dejonghe, L (1994).
Some aspects of the ecology of Belgian freshwater sponges. Proc. 4th int. Porifera Congress, 19-23 April 1993, Amsterdam, Netherlands
In: Sponges in Time and Space, ed. by Van Soest, Van Kempen & Braekman. Balkema, Rotterdam, chap. 0, pp. 341-350.

Ruddick, K and Moens, J (1994).
ERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery of the Rhine-Meuse plume discharge front - preliminary results and plans
In: Space Scientific Research in Belgium volume III - Earth Observation, ed. by Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, pp. 175-182.

Ruddick, K, Deleersnijder, E, Demulder, T, and Luyten, P (1994).
A model study of the Rhine discharge front and downwelling circulation
Tellus Serues A - Dynamical Meteorology and Oceanography, 46(2):149-159.

Ruddick, K, Lahousse, L, and Donnay, E (1994).
Location of the Rhine plume front by airborne remote sensing
Continental Shelf Research, 14(4):325-332.

Semal, P (1994).
Antigenic properties of Type I collagen and taxonomy
In: Current Primatology, ed. by Thierry, B et al., vol. 1 : Ecology and Evolution, pp. 359-364., Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg.

Sjeuf Felder, P (1994).
Bioklasten-onderzoek van Boven Krijt en Dano-Montian afzettingen uit boringen in de Belgische Kempen
Geological Survey of Belgium. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium..

Sjeuf Felder, P (1994).
Bioklasten in het Krijt uit boringen van West en Oost Vlaanderen
Geological Survey of Belgium. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium..

Slimani, H (1994).
Les dinokystes des craies du Campanien au Danien a Halembaye, Turnhout (Belgique) et a Beutenaken (Pays-Bas)
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°37 - 1994. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium.

Snoeks, J (1994).
The Tanganyika problem comments on the taxonomy and distribution patterns of its cichlid fauna.pdf
Advances in Limnology, 44:357–374.

Steurbaut, E and King, C (1994).
Integrated stratigraphy of the Mont-Panisel borehole section (151E340), Ypresian (Early Eocene) of the Mons Basin, SW Belgium.
Bulletin van de Belgische Vereniging voor Geologie, 102(1-2):175-202.

Sturmbauer, C, Verheyen, E, and Meyer, A (1994).
Mitochondrial phylogeny of the Lamprologini, the major substrate spawning lineage of cichild fishes from Lake Tanganyika in eastern Africa.
Molecular biology and evolution, 11(4):691–703.

Vandenven, G (1994).
Banque de données des publications du Service géologique de Belgique
Geological Survey of Belgium. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium..

Vangeluwe, D (1994).
Etude de faisabilité d'un programme de localisation des sites de nidification du Courlis à bec grêle, Numenius tenuirostris, par télémétrie.
Bruxelles, in Préparation d'un plan de sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris, annexe 36, Rapport final à la Commission des Communautés Européennes (programme ACNAT n 4-3010(92)7717). IRSNB. ed.

Vangeluwe, D, Beudels, M, and Lamani, F (1994).
Importance du littoral de l'Albanie pour la conservation du Courlis à bec grêle (Numenius tenuirostris).
Bruxelles, in Préparation d'un plan de sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris, annexe 24, Rapport final à la Commission des Communautés Européennes (programme ACNAT n°4-3010(92)7717.IRSNB ed.

Vangeluwe, D, Beudels, M, and Lamani, F (1994).
Evaluation de l'état de conservation des zones humides du littoral albanais et appréciation de leurs potentialités pour le Courlis à bec grêle Numenius tenuirostris.
Bruxelles, in Préparation d'un plan de sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris, annexe 23, Rapport final à la Commission des Communautés Européennes (programme ACNAT n 4-3010(92)7717).IRNSB ed.

Vangeluwe, D, Snethlage, M, and Stassin, P (1994).
Habitat selection by Red-breasted Geese (Branta ruficollis) wintering in Eastern Europe
Anatidae 2000, 05-09/12/1994 (poster), Strasbourg (France).

Verheyen, E (1994).
Integration of molecular and traditional taxonomic concepts and procedures.pdf
Advances in Limnology, 44:501–503.

Verheyen, E, Blust, R, and Decleir, W (1994).
Metabolic rate, hypoxia tolerance and aquatic surface respiration of some lacustrine and riverine African cichlid fishes (Pisces: Cichlidae)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 107(2):403–411.

Vervoenen, M (1994).
Taphonomy of some Cenozoic seabeds from the Flemish region, Belgium
Geological Survey of Belgium. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium..

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