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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Semal, P, Garcia Martin, C, Polet, C, and Richards, MP (1999).
Considération sur l'alimentation des Néolithiques du Bassin mosan : usures dentaires et analyses isotopiques du collagène osseux
Notae Praehistoricae, 19:127-135.

Sherbakov, D, Kamaltynov, R, Ogarkov, O, Väinölä, R, Vainio, J, and Verheyen, E (1999).
On the phylogeny of Lake Baikal amphipods in the light of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data

Smith, R, Smith, T, and Steurbaut, E (1999).
Les élasmobranches de la transition Paléocène-Eocène de Dormaal (Belgique): implications biostratigraphiques et paléobiogéographiques
Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 170(3):327-334.

Steurbaut, E, De Coninck, J, Roche, E, and Smith, T (1999).
The Dormaal Sands and the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary in Belgium
Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 170(2):217-227.

Turon, X, Uriz, M, and Willenz, P (1999).
Cuticular linings and remodelisation processes in Crambe Crambe (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida)
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 44(1-2):617-625.

Van Neer, W (1999).
Fish remains from the late Predynastic site of Maadi, Egypt
In: Historia Animalium ex Ossibus. Beiträge zur Paläoanatomie, Archäologie, Ägyptologie, Ethnologie und Geschichte der Tiermedizin. Festschrift für Angela von den Driesch, ed. by Becker C., Manhart H., Peters J., Schibler J.. Leidorf, chap. N/A, pp. 463-468.

Van Neer, W (1999).
Fish remains at Abri du Pape
In: L’Abri du Pape. Bivouacs, Enterrements et Cachettes sur la Haute Meuse belge: du Mésolithique au Bas Empire Romain (Etudes et Recherches Archéologiques de l’Université de Liège (ERAUL) 88), ed. by Léotard J., Straus L., Otte M. . Université de Liège, chap. N/A, pp. 129-140.

Van Neer, W and Breunig, P (1999).
Contribution to the archaeozoology of the Brandberg, Namibia
Cimbebasia, 15:127-140.

Van Neer, W and Ervynck, A (1999).
The faunal remains
In: Berenike ‘97. Report of the 1997 Excavations at Berenike and the Survey of the Egyptian Eastern Desert, including Excavations at Shenshef. CNWS Publications. Special Series 4, ed. by Sidebotham S., Wendrich W.. CNWS, Leiden, chap. N/A, pp. 325-348.

Van Neer, W and Ervynck, A (1999).
Faunal remains from Shenshef and Kalalat
In: Berenike ‘97. Report of the 1997 Excavations at Berenike and the Survey of the Egyptian Eastern Desert, including Excavations at Shenshef. CNWS Publications. Special Series 4, ed. by Sidebotham S., Wendrich W.. CNWS, Leiden, chap. N/A, pp. 431-444.

Van Neer, W, Lõugas, L, and Rijnsdorp, A (1999).
Reconstructing age distribution, season of capture and growth rate of fish from archaeological sites based on otoliths and vertebrae
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 9:116-130.

Van Neer, W, Wildekamp, R, Küçük, F, and Ünlüsayin, M (1999).
First inland records of the euryhaline goby Knipowitschia caucasica from lakes in Anatolia, Turkey
Journal of Fish Biology, 54:1334-1337.

Vangeluwe, D (1999).
About breeding Slender-billed Curlews : an analytical summary of the observations conducted in Tara, Southwest Siberia and the implication for future searches.
Athens, In Vangeluwe, D, Katzantzidis & Handrinos G. (eds). Final Report of Programme LIFE-Nature n° B4-3200/95/983 “Conservation Action for the Slender-billed Curlew”, ed.

Vangeluwe, D and Bulteau, V (1999).
Evaluation of the refuelling capabilities for waders of a Slender-billed Curlew stop-over site.
Athens, In Vangeluwe, D, Katzantzidis & Handrinos G. (eds). Final Report of Programme LIFE-Nature n° B4-3200/95/983 “Conservation Action for the Slender-billed Curlew”. ed.

Vangeluwe, D, Harwood, J, and Handrinos, G (1999).
Slender-billed Curlew observation protocol.
IRSNB, Bruxelles.

Vangeluwe, D, Katzantzidis, G, and Handrinos, G (1999).
Final Report of Programme LIFE-Nature n° B4-3200/95/983 “Conservation Action for the Slender-billed Curlew”
Athens, Katzantzidis & Handrinos G. (eds). ed.

Vasilkov, A, Burenkov, V, and Ruddick, K (1999).
The spectral reflectance and transparency of river plume waters

Vogelzang, J and Ruddick, K (1999).
Radar signatures of river outflow fronts
In: , vol. 4, pp. 1960-1962.

Waelkens, M, Paulissen, E, Vermoere, M, Degryse, P, Celis, D, Schroyen, K, De Cupere, B, Librecht, I, Nackaerts, K, Vanhaverbeke, H, Viaene, W, Muchez, P, Ottenburgs, R, Deckers, J, Van Neer, W, Smets, E, Govers, G, Verstraeten, G, Steegen, A, and Cauwenberghs, K (1999).
Man and environment in the territory of Sagalassos, a classical city in SW Turkey
Quaternary Science Reviews, 18:697-709.

Wildekamp, R, Küçük, F, Ünlüsayin, M, and Van Neer, W (1999).
The genus Aphanius Nardo 1827 (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae) in Turkey
Turkish Journal of Zoology, 23:23-44.

Willenz, P and Hartman, W (1999).
Growth and regeneration rates of the calcareous skeleton of the Caribbean coralline sponge Ceratoporella nicholsoni: A long term survey
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 44(1-2):675-685.

Wouters, K and Martens, K (1999).
Four new species of the Cyprideis species flock (Crustacea: Ostracoda) of Lake Tanganyika (East Africa)
Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Biologie, 69:67-82.

Yin, Y, Gieger, W, and Martens, K (1999).
Effects of genotype and environment on phenotypic variability in Limnocythere inopinata (Crustacea, Ostracoda)
Hydrobiologia, 400:85-114.

Baeteman, C (1998).
Is het de natuur of de mens die een bedrijging vormt voor kusten en polders?
Meded. Zitt. K. Acad. overzeese Wet. , 44(1998-2):257-273.

Blank, S, Boevé, J, Heitland, W, Jänicke, M, Jansen, E, Koch, F, Kopelke, J, Kraus, M, Liston, A, Rltzau, C, Schmidt, S, and Taeger, A (1998).
Checkliste der Pflanzenwespen Deutschlands (Hymenoptera: Symphyta)
In: Pflanzenwespen Deutschlands (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Kommentierte Bestandsaufnahme, ed. by Taeger, Andreas and Blank, Stephan M, pp. 13–34, Goecke & Evers, Keltern.

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