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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Van Doninck, K, Schoen, I, and Martens, K (2001).
General-purpose genotype in a monophyletic, ancient asexual ostracod, Darwinula stevensoni (Crustacea)
14th International Ostracod Symposium.

Van Doninck, K, Schoen, I, De Bruyn, L, and Martens, K (2001).
General-purpose genotype in the ancient asexual ostracod, Darwinula stevensoni (Crustacea)
VIIIth congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB).

Van Neer, W (2001).
Restes de poissons provenant de contextes médiévaux et post-médiévaux dans l’îlot Villers-Dinant
In: Autour de la première enceinte / Rond de eerste stadsomwalling. Archéologie à Bruxelles/Archeologie in Brussel 43, ed. by Thiéry P.. Service des monuments et des sites de la région de Bruxelles-Capitale, chap. N/A, pp. 316-323.

Van Neer, W (2001).
Animal remains from the medieval site of Kizimkazi Dimbani, Zanzibar
In: Islam in East Africa: New Sources (Archives, Manuscripts and Written Historical Sources. Oral History. Archaeology), ed. by Scarcia Amoretti B.. Herder, Roma, chap. N/A, pp. 385-410.

Van Neer, W (2001).
Faunal remains from an Akkadian grave in Tell Beydar
In: Tell Beydar Environmental and Technical Studies, ed. by Van Lerberghe K., Voet G.. Brepols, Turnhout, chap. N/A, pp. 61-63.

Van Neer, W and De Cupere, B (2001).
Faunal remains from Tell Beydar (excavation seasons 1992-1996 and 1997 partim)
In: Tell Beydar Environmental and Technical Studies, ed. by Van Lerberghe K., Voet G. Brepols, Turnhout, chap. N/A, pp. 69-115.

Van Neer, W, Ervynck, A, Lentacker, A, Crombé, P, Sergant, J, Perdaen, Y, Van Strydonck, M, and Van Roeyen, J (2001).
Dierenresten uit een vroege Swifterbank-nederzetting te Doel-Deurganckdok (Vlaanderen, België): jachtwild, maar vooral veel vis
Notae Praehistoricae, 21:85-96.

Vanacker, D, Maelfait, J, and Baert, L (2001).
The male dimorphism in the dwarf spider Oedothroax gibbosus (Blackwall, 1841) (Erigoninae, Linyphiidae, Araneae): Results of laboratory rearing experiments.
Belgian Journal of Zoology, 131(Supplement 2):39-44.

Vandenberghe, N, Hager, H, van den Bosch, M, Verstraelen, A, Leroi, S, Steurbaut, E, Prüfert, J, and Laga, P (2001).
Stratigraphic Correlation by calibrated well logs in the Rupel Group between North Belgium, the Lower-Rhine area in Germany and Southern Limburg and the Achterhoek in The Netherlands.
In: Contributions to the Paleogene and Neogene Stratigraphy of the North Sea Basin. Proceedings of the 7th Biannual Meeting of the Regional Committees of Northern Neogene and Paleogene Stratigraphy. , ed. by Vandenberghe, N, vol. 11, pp. 69-83, Blijde Inkomststraat 5, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium, Leuven University Press. Aardkundige Mededelingen.

Vanderhoeven, A, Martens, M, Ervynck, A, Cooremans, B, and Van Neer, W (2001).
Interdisziplinäre Untersuchungen im römischen Vicus von Tienen (Belgien). Die Integration von ökologischen und archäologischen Daten
In: Archäologie – Naturwissenschaften – Umwelt. Beiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft “Römische Archäologie” Deutscher Archäologenkongress. Heidelberg, 25-30 May 1999, ed. by Frey, M., Hanel, N., pp. 13-31. BAR International Series, 929.

Vangeluwe, D and Bulteau, V (2001).
Formation aux techniques de suivi et de baguage des colonies de sternes et de goélands, Parc National du Delta du Saloum et Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie.

Vangeluwe, D and Roggeman, W (2001).
Suivi des déplacements intra-saisonniers des limicoles dans la Réserve de la Biosphère du Delta du Saloum
IRSNB, Premier rapport intermédiaire à l’UICN et à la Direction des Parcs nationaux du Sénégal., Bruxelles.

Vangeluwe, D and Roggeman, W (2001).
Dynamique d’expansion d’une population exotique d’Ouettes d’Egypte (Alopochen aegyptiacus).
Symposium Faune belge : état des lieux et tendances observées, avec une attention particulière pour les espèces exotiques.14/12/2001, Bruxelles.

Verdyck, P (2001).
Morphological variation within and between four closely related phyllotreta species: P. dilatata, P. flexuosa, P. ochripes and P. tetrastigma (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Zoologischer Anzeiger, 240(1):35-46.

Verheyden, S and Bernard, C (2001).
Actes des Journées de Spéléologie Scientifique, Han-sur-Lesse 1997 à 2000
Geological Survey of Belgium., vol. PP 295 - 2001/3. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium..

Versteirt, V, Desender, K, Dekoninck, W, and Grootaert, P (2001).
The importance of ground beetles in the studies on wetland restoration
In: Proceedings of the 10th European Carabidologist Meeting, Tuczno, Polen - 24-27/9/2001.

Versteirt, V, Desender, K, Dekoninck, W, and Grootaert, P (2001).
Ground beetles and reconverting agriculture land to heathland and species-rich grasslands in Flanders (Belgium)
In: Proceedings of 10th European Carabidologist Meeting, Muczno, Polen - 24-27/9/2001.

Wouters, K and Martens, K (2001).
On the Cyprideis species flock (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in Lake Tanganyika, with a description of four new species
Hydrobiologia, 450:111-127.

Wouters, K and Martens, K (2001).
On the Cyprideis species flock (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in Lake Tanganyika, with the description of four new species
Hydrobiologia, 450:111-127.

Roggeman, W, Kearsley, L, Robert, G, and Vangeluwe, D (2000b).
Het Ringersbulletin
Het Ringersbulletin. Nieuwsbrief voor Ringers van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen.(3).

Roggeman, W, Robert, G, Kearsley, L, and Vangeluwe, D (2000b).
Le Bulletin du Bagueur
Le Bulletin du Bagueur. Bulletin de contact des Bagueurs de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique.(3).

Roggeman, W, Robert, G, Kearsley, L, and Vangeluwe, D (2000a).
Le Bulletin du Bagueur
Bulletin de contact des Bagueurs de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. (2).

Baert, L (2000).
1. Terrestrial arthropods.
In: Science for conservation in Galapagos., ed. by Sitwell, N., Baert, L. & Coppois, G., vol. 70, pp. 23-25, Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Brussel.

Baert, L and Maelfait, J (2000).
The influence of the 1997-1998 El Nino upon the Galapagos lycosid populations, and a possible role in speciation.
European Arachnology, 2000:51-56.

Baert, L and Maelfait, J (2000).
Check list of the described spider species of the Galapagos archipelago (Araneae).
Buellin van het Koninklijk Belgsich Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen: Entomologie, 70:243-245.

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