RBINS Staff Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.
Prestianni, C, Rustàn, JJ, Balseiro, D, Vaccari, e, Sterren, A, Steemans, P, Rubinstein, C, and Astini, R
Early seed plants from Western Gondwana: Paleobiogeographical and ecological implications based on Tournaisian (Lower Carboniferous) records from Argentina
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology(417):210-219.
Pringle, N, Vanhellemont, Q, and Ruddick, K
Cloud and cloud shadow identification for MERIS and Sentinel-3/OLCI
In: ESA Special Publication SP-734.
Prévot, V, Backeljau, T, and Jordaens, K
Morphometric evaluation of DNA-based cryptic taxa in the terrestrial decollate snail genus Rumina
Journal of Molluscan Studies, 81:223-232.
Pérez-García A, Smith, R, and Smith, T
Identification of a member of the “Palaeochelys s.l. – Mauremys group” (Testudines) in the early Oligocene of Boutersem (Belgium)
In: 63rd Symposium for vertebrate palaeontology and comparative anatomy, Southampton, 31.08-02.09.2015.
Raeymaekers, JA and Backeljau, T
Perspective - Recurrent adaptation in a low-dispersal trait
Molecular Ecology, 24:699-701.
Rahmouni, C, Vanhove, M, Šrámová E, Mendlová, M, Kmentová, N, and Šimková, A
Cichlidogyrus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from Lake Tanganyika cichlids: a phylogenetic and evolutionary approach of the parasite fauna of Lake Tanganyika cichlid tribes
In: 9th International Symposium on Fish Parasites, Valencia.
Rahmouni, C, Vanhove, M, Šrámová, E, Mendlová, M, Kmentová, N, and Šimková, A
Cichlidogyrus (Dactylogyridae) from Lake Tanganyika: a phylogenetic approach of the monogenean parasite fauna of Tanganyika cichlid tribes
In: Cichlid Science 2015, Graz.
Rana, RS, Kumar, K, Zach, SP, Solé, F, Rose, KD, Missiaen, P, Singh, L, Sahni, A, and Smith, T
Craniodental and postcranial morphology of Indohyaenodon raoi from the Early Eocene of India, and its implications for ecology, phylogeny, and biogeography of hyaenodontid mammals
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 35(5):e965308.
Reiss, H, Birchenough, SN, Borja, A, Buhl-Mortensen, L, Craeymeersch, J, Dannheim, J, Darr, A, Galparsoro, I, Gogina, M, Neumann, H, Populus, J, Rengstorf, AM, Valle, M, Van Hoey, G, Zettler, ML, and Degraer, S
Benthos distribution modelling and its relevance for marine ecosystem management
ICES Journal of Marine Science Advance Access, 72(2):297 - 315.
Reiss, H, Birchenough, SN, Borja, A, Buhl-Mortensen, L, Craeymeersch, J, Dannheim, J, Darr, A, Galparsoro, I, Gogina, M, Neumann, H, Populus, J, Rengstorf, AM, Valle, M, Van Hoey, G, Zettler, ML, and Degraer, S
Benthos distribution modelling and its relevance for marine ecosystem management
ICES Journal of Marine Science Advance Access , June 19.
Rens, R and De Cupere, B
Blood, sweat, tears and … fun! Gladiator and animals fights in Pisidia
In: Pisidia Yazıları Hacı Ali Ekinci Armağanı – Pisidian Essays in Honour of Hacı Ali Ekinci, ed. by Metin H., Polat Becks B.A., Becks R., Fırat M. . Ege Yayınları, chap. without chapter number, pp. 123-133.
Reyes, M, Engel, M, May, S, Brill, D, and Brueckner, H
Life and death after super typhoon Haiyan
Coral Reefs, 34(2):419-419.
Roche, M, Baeye, M, De Bisschop, J, Degrendele, K, De Mol, L, Papili, S, Lopera, O, and Van Lancker, V
Backscatter stability and influence of water column conditions: estimation by multibeam echosounder and repeated oceanographic measurements, Belgian part of the North Sea
In: Seabed and Sediment Acoustics: Measurements and Modelling, ed. by Blondel et al., vol. 37(1), pp. 74-84, University of Bath, Bath, Institute of Acoustics. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics.
Roland, D, Daniel, V, Jean-Marc, M, and Bernard, M
The Red Marble of Baelen, an exceptional mid-Famennian mud mound complex in a carbonate ramp setting from Eastern Belgium
STRATA, série 1, communications(16):46-47.
Roose, P, Degraer, S, Legrand, S, Luyten, P, Naudts, L, Parmentier, K, Ruddick, K, Van den Eynde, D, Van der Zande, D, and Van Lancker, V
Expertise van OD Natuur. Presentatie voor Vlaamse Baaien project. Brussel, 13/02/2015.
Rougier, H, Crevecoeur, I, Beauval, C, Bocherens, H, Flas, D, Germonpre, M, Gomez-Olivencia, A, Krause, J, Posth, C, Semal, P, van der Plicht, J, and Wissing, C
First evidence of Neandertal cannibalism in Northern Europe: the case of the “Troisieme Caverne” of Goyet (Belgium)
Abstracts of the Paleoanthropology Society Meeting.
Rumes, B, Devolder, M, Brabant, R, De Mesel, I, Degraer, S, Haelters, J, Kerckhof, F, Norro, A, Van den Eynde, D, Vigin, L, and Lauwaert, B
Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NORTHWESTER 2 offshore windpark ten noordwesten van de Bligh Bank
Rumes, B, Devolder, M, Brabant, R, De Mesel, I, Haelters, J, Kerckhof, F, Norro, A, Van den Eynde, D, Vigin, L, and Lauwaert, B
Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het RENTEL offshore windmolenpark ten noordwesten van de Thorntonbank en ten zuidoosten van de Lodewijkbank – exportkabel.
Rumes, B, Di Marcantonio, M, Brabant, R, De Mesel, I, Duliére, V, Haelters, J, Kerckhof, F, Norro, A, Van den Eynde, D, Vigin, L, and Lauwaert, B
Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het MERMAID offshore energiepark ten noordwesten van de Bligh Bank
Rumes, B, Di Marcantonio, M, Lauwaert, B, and Degraer, S
Combining offshore wind and wave energy extraction: an environmental perspective
Römbke, J, Aira, M, Backeljau, T, Breugelmans, K, Dominguez, J, Funke, E, Graf, N, Hajibabaei, M, Pérez-Losada, M, Porto, PG, Schmelz, RM, Vierna, J, Vizcaino, A, and Pfenninger, M
Barcoding Earthworms from Ecotoxicological Test Laboratories
Barcoding Bulletin, 6:6-7.
Samoh, A, Boonrotpong, S, and Grootaert, P
Ngirhaphium Evenhuis & Grootaert from southern Thailand (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with the description of a new species
Zootaxa, 3946(1):125-132.
Samyn, Y and Tallon, I
De evolutie van evolutiedenken: van Aristotles tot de moderne synthese
In: Evolutie Vandaag, ed. by Tallon, I. et al. VUB Press, chap. 2, pp. 29-56.
Santos Santos, J, Audenaert, L, Verheyen, E, and Dominique, A
Divergent ontogenies of trophic morphology in two closely related haplochromine cichlids
Journal of Morphology, 276(7):860-871.
Schallier, R and Van Roy, W
Oil pollution in and around the waters of Belgium.
In: Oil Pollution in the North Sea, ed. by A. Carpenter. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland , chap. 41, pp. 93-116.
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